Part 6

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You kept your eyes pressed close as Ian kept an arm across your body, keeping you close to the tree and out of sight. His hand was shaking where it lay on your chest and you quickly reached up to grab it, cradling it to your body. He squeezed your hand tightly as the two of you waited on whether or not the Baryonyx would find you.

A few minutes passed with the two of you trying your hardest to remain quiet and still while the animal kept walking around close to your hiding place. But then the earth began to shake anew and you opened your eyes. To your horror, the Rex was coming straight at you. Ian squeezed your hand a little tighter and both of you understood that you had to remain still if you wanted any chance of survival.

The Baryonyx roared behind you and you held your breath to keep still while the Rex made her way toward the other dinosaur at the roaring. Neither of them seemed to take any notice of you two and you were relieved until you realised that you were right in the path of the Rex. You pulled Ian's hand to get him moving and the two of you tried to get away without being detected. If you could make a run for the clearing and then up the hill, you might manage to get out of sight and far enough away while the dinosaurs were fighting.

But getting out from between two fighting carnivores was harder than expected. Everything became a blur of dodging claws, jaws, tails and feet. You heard Ian yell for you and you were sure you yelled for him a couple of times, as well. Eventually, you managed to roll down a slope where you had seen Ian go down just seconds prior. The two dinosaurs were getting farther and farther away in their fight, pushing each other out into the clearing and away from you.

Once their roars were far enough away, you turned to Ian. You were smiling in relief, glad to have survived but your smile quickly disappeared when you saw the look of horror on his face.

"Ian, what's wrong?"

His eyes went wide and you quickly looked around, fearing that the dinosaurs were coming back your way. Then you looked back at him and realized he wasn't looking at where you to had come from but at you.

"How are you not in pain? Your arm, uh, I mean your forearm is all--"

Your hands shot to your arm and there you felt it. You touched wetness and when you looked, you saw that you were bleeding. Three long, deep claw marks stretched up your left forearm. Panic shot through you and you were ready to scream as you saw how much blood it was when Ian came up to you, grasping your shoulders.

"Stay calm, alright? I'll take care of you." Ian tried to sound reassuring though he sounded terrified himself. "The cuts aren't all too deep. Looks like the Baryonyx got you with her claw, huh?"

"It-- It must have been when-- when I brought my arm up to shield my face. I don't understand-- I didn't even notice." You stammered out, tears running down your cheeks. "How could I not notice, Ian?"

"Adrenaline." Ian mumbled out, trying to keep his voice steady as he guided you to sit down on a tree stump. "Does it hurt, darling?"

"Yeah." You whispered, feeling the pain now that the adrenaline was wearing off. "Ian, am I losing a lot of blood?"

"You will be fine. I will clean that up for you and bandage it and then we will get back to the Visitor's Center to get you some proper medical attention."

"You, too." You said in a shaky voice, watching him dig around the bag with his good arm. "Let me- Let me help you so you don't have to use your injured arm."

"That's a good idea." He nodded as he pulled out the antiseptic and bandages you had packed. "I'll be quick, darling."

The next twenty minutes or so were filled with pain, helping Ian and his soothing words until you were patched up. You were surprised you had managed to be of any help with how much your other hand had been shaking but Ian had praised you throughout the process, telling you how much you were helping. Once you were patched up, you breathed a sigh of relief and looked up at Ian again. He looked terribly relieved as he saw that your wound wasn't bleeding through the bandages.

Mister Chaos- Ian MalcolmWhere stories live. Discover now