Part 4

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After setting everything up to patch Ian up and boiling the water you had collected, you turned to the man. He was sitting on a little bench, patiently waiting for you as you sat down next to him, looking completely calm and trusting in your abilities.

"This is going to hurt. I'd tell you to hold my hand but I need them both to patch you up, so you can hold onto my leg or my shoulder or whatever you feel like." You then chuckled, hoping a joke would help light the mood. "Just not my feet. You know how ticklish I am."

Ian chuckled a bit at that. "Yes, I distinctly remember trying to be, uh, romantic by giving you a foot massage and you breaking down laughing."

You laughed at the memory and held up his arm a bit before taking the water that had now cooled down enough to not scald his skin anymore. "Ready?"


You poured it over the wound, cleaning it from dirt. Ian hissed in pain and grabbed one of your thighs for support before pressing his eyes shut. All of your quiet apologies were met with understanding dismissals from him as you gently began to dab the edges of the wound.

"It looks pretty good for a gaping wound. It's not infected but it might have gotten to that point had we not found the shed." You then took the antiseptic. "This will sting but you probably guessed that yourself."

After your warning, you cleaned the wound and bandaged it. Ian took it all quietly, his eyes closes, his hand gripping your leg tightly and his head bowed. Once you were done, you reached down to take his hand and he looked up in surprise, breath heavy and eyes teary from the pain.

"I'm done. You did well." You praised him softly. "Are you hungry? I'm going to use some of the water to cook and I'll put the rest of the boiled water in one of those tin bottles for us to drink."

"A bit of food might be good."

You nodded and stood up to get to work. And before long, you were sitting across each other on the bench, eating the mac and cheese quietly. Ian kept looking at you and eventually, you decided to talk to lift the silence.

"So you said there was no new woman in your life?"

"No." Ian admitted, lifting a spoonful of noodles to his mouth. "I went on a few dates, had a few short relationships here and there but I haven't found anyone whom I liked as much as you."

"Don't try to flatter me." You chuckled softly, scooping up some food on your spoon. "But I feel the same. I tried my best but never found anyone I really liked that much."

"So if we both haven't found anyone we liked as much as each other, don't you think that means we--"

"Ian, stop." You interrupted, shaking your head firmly. "You slept with my best friend after we broke up. You hurt me. I can't trust you like that anymore."

"I didn't know Jenna was your best friend. I actually, uh, told her that it was funny that her name was Jenna and told her that my ex girlfriend had a best friend by that name. I even mentioned your first name during that conversation and she didn't tell me who she was." Ian explained. "I didn't know."

"Really?" You asked in shock because that was news to you. "But she knew you! I showed her pictures of us together all the time! She should have known! I mean, after I found out I was furious but she apologised and assured me she just hadn't recognised you. But if you mentioned me by name and talked to her about me, she must have known!"

"You know I never met her. I really didn't know."

"No, I believe you now. I'm just furious at her." You put your plate down to stare at Ian in shock. "I can't believe I forgave her and kept blaming you. If I get off this darn island, I'm going to tell her to never speak to me again! She didn't tell you?"

Mister Chaos- Ian MalcolmWhere stories live. Discover now