4 | Tabitha and Top Secret Tales

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Michelle didn't take kindly to interruptions

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Michelle didn't take kindly to interruptions. That had become evident in her second year when Rich Springs, notorious rebellious Gryffindor, had attempted to pull her away from her Transfiguration lesson to bunk in the derelict Astronomy Tower. He relented on until she hit him over the head with her thin journal after she had told him a stern 'no' seven times.

From that day forward, Rich Springs vowed that he would make it up to Michelle for annoying her. And he did! The two were polar opposites, one organised, the other chaotic. One preferred Glam Rock, whilst the other preferred metal. So it was rather peculiar to see them walking the halls together one day, with the declaration that they were best friends.

Rich had taught Michelle to let loose once in a while, and Michelle had taught him that having some structure in his life didn't neglect his metal mind set. The Springs boy would like to think that he was tall, as tall as Remus Lupin- who stood at a whopping 6"2. But alas, he was barely as tall Michelle, who stood at a mildly impressive 5"7.

The dynamic between Rich and the Marauders was... strange to say the least. He had shared a room with them since first year but they just never seemed to mesh. Sure they uttered the occasional "morning" or "are you going to eat that?". But it was just the Marauders and then Rich.

And Rich was okay with this, he never questioned where they went every full moon. Or why James had an invisibility cloak. Being a part of their friend group just never seemed to appeal to him, he was okay with just being friends with Michelle.

This however, didn't stop him from taking a liking to Remus. Rich didn't know where the crush came from, he just awoke one morning to see the Lupin boy leaning on the side of the bathroom door frame brushing his teeth. His arm was raised, slightly pulling up him off-white jumper, exposing a small part of his hip bone. This in turn, made Rich turn a beet red- promptly looking away and turning over in his bed.

But this story isn't about Rich and Remus, it's about Michelle and James.


"MICHELLE!," yelled a voice that echoed down the hallway, "JESUS WOMAN, WAIT FOR ME!" A red faced Rich chased her down the hallway, his crimson tie flowing behind his shoulder as he chased her. Halting in her step, Michelle turned to her counterpart.

She rolled her eyes as he placed his hands on his knees as he tried to regain the breath he had lost. Raising one of his hands onto her shoulder, he spoke with his head down.

"You, my friend, are one bloody fast runner." he smirked as he met eyes with Michelle. As quickly as he ran down the hallway, he placed his arm around the Fitzgerald girls shoulder. As they started walking again, he felt the need to fill the silent air.

"So where are we going?" He inquired, pushing his hair back as he spoke.

"You mean where am I going?" she emphasised with her head held high as she strode forward "I am going to the Ravenclaw dormitories to feed my owl!" This made Rich grin, a celebratory grin. Rich loved Tabitha and Tabitha loved him more than she loved Michelle. This really pissed the writer off.

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