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Requested by xiaoistakenbyme  hope you like it
Sick Itona x caring reader

y/n = your name

F/F = fav food

F/D = fav drink

(Words) = what they are thinking

"How did this happen!?"you said frantically getting some medicine turns out Itona was especially pissed at Koro-sensei for making him cram yet again and he thought it would be a good idea to train in the rain so along with him being covered in bruises he was also sick luckily you were the quote on quote nurse of E class you were known for helping others and always carried a first aid kit and medicine the reason you were in E class was because you and a bad habit of helping others but neglecting yourself to help them and when your crush had his friends carrying him to you your heart almost exploded and you dropped everything " -And that's what happened" Terasaka said with the others nodding "And you let him train in the RAIN!" you said obviously worried "We tried but we couldn't stop him sorry." Kirara said you sighed "it's fine but make sure he doesn't do this again." you said grabbing some bandages first sense he was unconscious and started bandaging them up "We'll try can't promise though you can't stop him once he's that mad." Taisei said with a sigh "Well you guys can go home now ill bandage him and give him medicine when he's awake I'll call you guys if I need anything " you said with a smile "If you guys get hungry, I can bring some ramen" Takuya said "Um-" "She doesn't want your crappy ramen." Terasaka and Taisei say in unison "HEY!" Takuya shouted, "Can you guys be quite and don't worry Y/n ill bring you some F/F and F/D." she said with a slight smile "THANK YOU!" you said grasping her hands in relief for not having to eat the putrid ramen you've heard so much about you were forever grateful to her for this "It's no problem just let me know if you need anything." she said with the faintest smile "Told you. " Terasaka and Taisei said in unison again "You guys are jerks." Takuya said "Sorry." feeling a little guilty "Your fine Y/n" he said in understanding as to why you didn't want to eat it over your precious F/F and F/D you sighed in relief "Well we will be going ill bring you the food in about an hour or so is that good with you Y/n?" Kiara asked, "Yep that's fine with me bye." you said smiling about your precious F/F and F/D coming soon "Bye thanks Y/n." they all said as they left you then turn back around to continue bandaging Itona once you were done bandaging his first hand he started to wake up "Well good morning to you Itona" you say with a smile teasing him a bit "Huh wha- Aaaa chu!" you sighed and handed him a tissue "This is what happens when you train in the rain Itona" you said "sorry Y/n but that stupid octopus pissed me off with all the cramming." he said in between coughs and sneezes "then don't skip school and you won't have to here take this it will help with the coughing and sneezing." you said handing him some medicine "Do I have to take this." he said looking displeased with the medicine in front of him "Yes Itona you have to take it and open your mouth so I can take your temperature." You said looking through your bag for your thermometer he signed be grudgingly look the medicine "It tastes awful." he said looking at you with a disgusted face showing how much he hated the medicine "you giggled "I'll give you candy after I take your temperature is it a deal?" You asked turning around to him smiling "Yes." He said with noticeable stuffiness you giggled "Ok open your mouth so I can take your temperature ." You said walking towards him with the thermometer in hand Itona opened his mouth and you put the thermometer in his mouth while you went to get him a honey lollipop to help with his throat once you grabbed the lollipop you returned to Itona and took out the thermometer to read it "It went down a bit but it's still pretty high" you said while handing him the candy and you went to grab a wet rag and a cold drink of water " he can't take anymore medicine for a while so I just need to lower the fever as best I can." You mumbled to your self while setting a rag and putting it on Itona's head "Does that feel good?" You asked him while setting the glass of water you just got for him " Mhm" Itona managed to do while he was falling asleep you giggled and looked at the time 3;21 pm Kirara should be here any minute you thought while putting a blanket on Itona and taking the lollipop out of his mouth so he doesn't choke on it and without thinking kissed his once you realized what you did you were grateful he was asleep and you were bright red when the doorbell rang you went and opened the door to see your savior Kirara with your F/f and F/d
"Thank you so so so so SO much Kirara." You said in a hushed voice so you didn't wake Itona up "Has Itona woken up yet since we brought him?" She asked "Yeah he has but he fell asleep after taking some medicine." You said grabbing your precious food "Oh ok that's good call me when you want us to pick him up bye." She in a slightly quieter tone "Ok I will thank you again bye." You said shutting the door and walking into the kitchen and sitting at the table and eating your food.

Meanwhile Itona still laying in bed had been awake for a couple of minutes he woke up when he felt something on his forehead and now was internally panicking while staring at the ceiling in truth he did like you but Itona being Itona but didn't exactly now that he did like you or that what he was feeling was him being embarrassed because of a kiss instead he thought. (I'm a that sick I'm a going to have a heart attack?" Yep that's what his first thought was "Mmm maybe but I'm I that sick?"Itona unintentionally mumbled with his eyes closed tight In deep thought "Huh is Itona having a bad dream?" You said in a hushed tone believing that he was still asleep and itona still in deep thought did not hear you at all and was still mumbling about why he may or may not be having a heart attack and you not being able to hear what he was saying and believing he was asleep and having a nightmare ( should I wake him up but he needs rest.) and before you could ever realize what you were doing you kissed him on forehead or at least planned on it turns out Itona moved his head up cause you to kiss the tip of his nose "Huh!"

The end

Jk there's still more

When you backed away you saw Itona awake with his eyes open wide with a hand on his nose "I-IM SORRY I DIDNT KNOW YOU WERE AWAKE W-wait no that's not want I mean!" You shouted from embarrassment Itona was sitting up looking at you with wide eyes still processing what you just did then remembering something Karma and Nakamura told me

" So do you have a crush Itona?" Nakamura asked with devil horns and a tail appearing " What's a crush?" I asked curious as to the topic was brought up "Do you really not know what a crush is!" Nakamura shouted causing ever one to look over and Koro-sensei to shout "Itona you don't know what a crush is!?" "Nope am I suppose to know what that is?"I asked confused as to why everybody was asking me this "Well well so Itona doesn't know what a crush is and here I thought you knew better then anyone." Karma said with a smirk "What is that supposed to mean?" I asked still not understanding what everyone was talking about "Your oblivious Itona." Kirara said while shaking her head "Yep." Takuya, Terasaka, and Taisei all agreed "What is a crush?" I said kinda aggravated because I don't know what they are talking about "See Itona love is a chemical in your brai-" Koro-sensei was about to on a lecture about it when he was interrupted by Nakamura and Karma " Forget what he said it's when someone likes someone and whenever they talk to them or see them their heart beats really fast and they start thinking about them a lot like if they were together and get jealous when someone else steals there attention from you." They both said

Flashback ends

I like Y/n!

I like Y/n?

I love Y/n.

"I'm sorry are you ok?!" Y/n said worried
"I love you Y/n ."

somewhere far far away
"Ok tell me do you think that they have confessed yet and who do you think confessed first my bets on Y/n?" Karma asked " Yes Itona probably Kirara said that when she answered the door she was really red." Nakamura said "Hoho let me had this new couple to my journal!" Koro-sensei said appearing right next to us writing in his journal "So tell us Koro-sensei what did you see who confessed first?" Both Karma and Nakamura asked curiously with devil horns and tails "Hoho Itona did but Y/n kissed him on the nose." He said recalling what he saw "REALLY DID YOU GET A PHOTO?!" They asked dying in excitement so they could tease the new couple "Hehe yep." He said showing then the photo while a more devilish aura surrounded them as they look a picture of it

The end
Hope you like it
Thank you xiaoistakenbyme
For requesting it
Have a nice day night whenever
Word count 1725
Story sniffles
Sick Itona x caring reader

Assassation Classroom guy one shots x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now