Epilogue: Heavy Is the Head (ثقيل الرأس)

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3 days later...

"Wow ok" Ali said.

Wyan and Nicholas sent each other smiles knowing what was going to happen.

The last light of day rolled across the rooftops and washed into the distant skyscrapers. The nighttime reflection of a still-less city coiled across a pair of golden boots as heavy footsteps echoed off the noiseless skylights and a caped figure descended from a towering chimney, catching the ears and the eyes of the relaxed group of females as they spread out across the assorted gardens to wait.

"Wait for what?"

"Griffon," Louve was the first to reach him, reaching out and taking his arm, tugging him gently back toward her. He paused and spun to face her, the tension flooding out from his heart into his hands as she took them in her own, smiling reassuringly at his death grip. "Breathe. It's going to be okay, I promise."

"awwww!" Layla cooed

"You two better get married!" Ali said.

Nicholas nodded, swallowing back the vile of fear in his throat, and forced the smile through mountains of fear and uncertainty. "I wish I could be as sure about that as you," he mumbled, lowering his eyes, too ashamed to show her the doubt he knew lingered there. "I just...so much of this was my fault, you know? Milo took everything from me and there was nothing I could do to stop him. I wasn't strong enough."

"Stop self-doubting yourself"

The wolf's smile never faltered. "He didn't get everything," she corrected. "You have your miraculous. Lorr is still with you. And you have us." She gestured to the group of girls sitting on the edge of the building, talking loudly amongst themselves and laughing at Caniley's weird charades. He recognized Mkango amongst the group, as well as a few of the younger heroes Caniley had recruited to help in the battle. Though they hadn't ultimately been needed, both she and Nicholas had agreed that it would be too risky to revoke their miraculouses now that they knew so much.

"Yeah it probably would"

Nicholas just wasn't sure Su-Han was going to feel the same.

Marinette scoffed "He never does"

The tight feeling in his gut grew. What would happen to the girls if the Celestial Guardian denied his request? He didn't even know most of their identities, though Caniley assured him they could be trusted (furthermore, he didn't know who she was either, so that wasn't really encouraging).


"awwww! She never left him"

"Yeah?" He drew his gaze back to her once more, finding her bi-colored focus firmly on his face.

"Listen to that young lady"

"We're not going to leave you, no matter what your boss says."

"Brave statement"

"And what did we do?" Louve smirked

"You never left"

"Well, that is a very brave statement, young lady."

"Who in the world said that?!"

Louve went pale and her eyes widened at the low rumble echoing from the ledge behind them. Nicholas stiffened, twisting on his heels and letting his fingers lace into hers as he glared up firmly at the newest arrival. At the same moment, the girls flew to their feet with shrieks of surprise, Mkango thrusting her way to the front and activating her powers to defend them.

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