Red Notice (إشعار أحمر)

13 1 11

One o'clock rolled around, finding Nicholas ascending the stairs to the library three at a time, backpack smacking hard against his shoulders, and Lorr screeching at the top of his voiceless lungs, something about "an inexcusable abuse of power" and "what would Su-Han think?", both of which fell on deaf ears and a swirl of unexplainable excitement and adrenaline that coursed through his veins. He didn't understand why he was suddenly feeling this certainly wasn't his normal method of operation...but once it had gotten started, there was no way to curb it, much to Lorr's dismay.

"Lorr hates anything I do"

Lorr chirped and Nicholas rolled his eyes.

Are you actually willing to risk everything that you have spent the last five years trying to achieve on a girl you met less than forty-eight hours ago? the kwami demanded, with little hope of actually getting through. He had learned long ago that it was no good to try to reason with his holder when he was in this state and in the past two days, Nicholas had proven to be no less of an arrogant, hot-headed, rash kid than he had ever been.

"Happens to everyone at a young age"

I'm, Lorr. I'm not throwing everything down the drain for her. I just think she may know something that the Guild would find informative.


So, you're only using her then?

"No he didn't"

No, that's not what I'm--I just think she could help us, that's all.

"And I did!"

And that's why you're planning to meet her again after hours and you intend to ensnare me to take part in your endeavors of madness. You know what Milo thinks, and I am starting to agree with him. You are becoming reckless--more so than you have ever been--and people like Su-Han are beginning to notice.

"Su-Han will notice anything just to make you doubt yourself" Adrien groaned and Marinette agreed.

"Well he's gonna have fun with me then, won't he?" Nino rolled his eyes.

Ali gave Nino a simple look saying 'What's going on in your head? '

Nino responded with a look saying 'A lot of things'

Ali waved Nino for to come forward. "We're still talking after this" He whispered.

"Well you are and I'm not" Nino whispered back softly as he sat back.

It was Milo's idea for me to try and impress her, Nicholas retorted. I'm doing exactly what he wanted.

"I mean... He said as yourself but I guess that counts"

Yes, but he wanted you to get to know her as yourself! Not as Griffon! It was never a matter of the Guild's security until you foolishly decided to take your late-night walkabout and exposed our entire world to this girl who...quite honestly, had no business knowing anything about our existence.

So, that's it then? Nicholas fired back as he yanked the huge glass doors open and stormed inside. You're siding with Grimm over me? That's not what a friend is supposed to do, you know. You're supposed to be on my side here.

"I mean if you're in the wrong then no but if you are in the right then sure."

I'm not siding with anyone, Lorr countered. I am a kwami, thus I do not pick favorites. I can only see the most effective means of success and the correct course to effectively achieve our goal.

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