So Long(Technoblade)

Start from the beginning

"Y/N, get over here!" Niki said excitedly. "You have to see this!" I went over to where Niki was.

"What is it?" Niki dropped her spyglass from her inventory.

"Just look at Techno!" I looked in the spyglass and squealed.

"Oh. My. God," I said, giggling. "Techno's so cute, a little bunny boy." 

"Noooo," Techno groaned. "I hate it. All I do is jump, get hungry and only eat carrots."

"But you're so smol," I giggled. "C'mon, it's kinda funny." 

"Hey, Techno!" Tommy chimed in. "Do you bring candy for the kids on Easter?" Everyone burst out laughing, even Technoblade.

"Give me a chocolate egg, Bunny Boy!" I said to Techno, the two of us still laughing.


The chime of someone joining the Discord made me perked up. As expected, it was Technoblade, probably here to talk about the next MCC.

"Hey, Techno!"

"Hellooo," he answered. "Whatca doing right now?" 

"Just watching your MCC videos," I said sheepishly. "I need to prepare." He chuckled, then took a deep breath.

"Y/N, I need to tell you something, and I need you to hear it before it goes out on YouTube." I paused my video and turned on my Discord camera.

"Okay, I'm all ears." He took another breath, and it was shaky, meaning something wasn't right.

"Remember when I told you when I went to the doctor 'cuz my arm was hurting so much?" Techno said.

"Yeah, of course," I replied. "Techno, what's wrong?" He paused, and what he said next made me frightened.

"They found multiple lumps in my arm," he said, his voice shaking. "We got them tested, and it's cancer." My heart dropped.

"You're joking," I said, my voice soft. 

"I wish I was," Techno said. "But it's there." I looked away from the screen, trying not to let him see me cry.

"What are your chances?"

"It's around stage 2," he said. "So, the chances are better." He paused because he probably saw my tears.

"Y/N, it'll be fine. It's me."

"I know, I'm sorry," I said, taking a breath. "It's just that we've yet to meet up, we've been talking about it for so long."

"That's the other thing," Techno stopped me. "We don't know how things are gonna go, so my parents are willing to let you come and stay here with me."  I stopped, the gears in my head working overtime.

"How long am I staying, though?" I heard him let out a happy sigh.

"Does it matter?" I slowly started to smile.

"I'll be there in ten days," I said. "Get ready, pig man."

"Don't worry," Techno answered. "I'm more than ready."


"Y/N, what are you still doing up?" Niki asked as she sat down on the couch. "It's almost 2 in the morning, Jack and Scott already went to bed." 

"It's probably the jetlag," I said, fiddling with the hoodie strings. "Besides, there's too much on my mind." I swallowed, then took my laptop out of my backpack.

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