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Let's be real: prison Dream hits different.
Soooo, here's a prison C!Dream imagine! If it's not good, oh well. If it is, that's very pog.

I kept a straight face as I followed Sam through the prison halls

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I kept a straight face as I followed Sam through the prison halls. It had been about a month since Tommy, Tubbo, and the rest of L'Manburg stopped Dream, and as much as I hated to admit it, he deserved to be where he was. To put it nicely, he was psychotic. He manipulated Tommy and Tubbo, practically children. He gave TnT to Wilbur, TnT that would ruin L'Manburg and lead to Wilbur's death. He was the reason Tommy was exiled and part of the reason for Tecnhoblade's anger.

He was a criminal, and this prison is where he deserved to be.

However, that was a hard thing to say since Dream was my first friend after I joined the SMP. He had guided me, trained me in combat, comforted me and cared for me. George and Sapnap teased me constantly about me being his favorite and that I had a crush on him. I always brushed them, but the thought always lingered in the back of my mind. After walking for a few minutes, Sam brought me to the last room before the cell.

"The lava will take a while to retreat," Sam said. "It might be a long wait." I nodded and shifted my focus away from the lava wall to face Sam.

"How's he been?" I asked.

"He's been worse, if I'm honest," Sam replied. "When Sapnap was here, he was mad he didn't visit sooner. He still hasn't been talking." I dropped my head, upset at what I was hearing.

"But," Sam went on. "I have a feeling he'll talk to you." I glanced at Sam and smiled. He, along with the Dream team, had been one of my closest friends, so he had some idea of how I felt about Dream.

"I'm nervous he won't talk, even to me," I said, absentmindedly fiddling my fingers. "I'm worried he'll be angry, like he was to Sapnap." Sam shrugged and turned back to the levers.

"Don't think on it too much. He's got a lot of anger, but he'll learn to calm himself down." Then, the lava wall started to go down in front of us and I stepped onto the bridge. Before the bridge moved, I looked back at Sam, who flashed me a thumbs up. I smiled at him, then I stepped onto the moving bridge. As I went further along, I could see the cell. Once the bridge stopped and the cell door opened, I stepped inside.

"Hello, Dream." The man in orange turned around. His dirty blonde was messy, and even with the cracked mask still covering his face, his emerald green eyes were tired and angry at the same time. Dream stared at me in silence, then he wrote something on a paper and handed it to me.

You came.

I smiled sadly and looked back at Dream, handing him the paper.

"Yeah, here I am." He didn't know it, but I saw Dream smile under the mask as he wrote again and handed me the paper.

I didn't know if you'd come.

"Why would I not come?" I replied, giving him the paper. "You're my best friend." Dream cocked his head in confusion then wrote some more.

I thought you hated me, that you were angry at me.

Now it was my turn to be confused. This wasn't the same man from before. This wasn't a power-hungry warrior who always got what he wanted: this was a sad, broken man who was locked away from his friends and his home.

"Dream," I said, trying to hide my emotions. "I understand you did bad things, there's no denying it, and yes, you did make me angry, but I could never hate you. You could the most terrible thing and I would always be there." I paused, not wanting to push anything yet.

"I actually came here to tell you something. Something I can't hide anymore." Dream looked at me again before writing again.

Im listening.

I sucked in a deep breath.

"Will you promise to start talking if I tell you?" I asked. Dream sighed and sat down on his bed. I crossed my arms.

"Clay," I started.

"Okay," he said, his voice raspy and tired. I smiled, took a shaky breath and sat down next to him.

"I don't want to keep it to myself anymore, so I'm saying this with all honesty," I spoke softly, suddenly afraid. I took his hands and looked him dead in the eyes.

"I love you."


Dream looked me, but with the mask over his eyes, I couldn't see his emotions. Sensing I had made a mistake, I got up and headed for the door.

"Y/N." Dream's tired voice made me turn in spite of myself. When I faced him, the mask was gone, revealing Dream's, no, Clay's, face, all cut up and bruised, the emerald eyes shining.

"Do you mean it?" Clay asked. "Do you really love me?" I stood there, frozen to the spot, but I nodded.

"I mean it, and I always will." A smile creeped across Clay's face. He walked over to me and handed me the mask. I looked at it and ran my fingers over the cracks. I felt Clay put a hand on my cheek then he gently kissed me.

Cue the butterflies. I was practically in shock but welcomed this feeling, multipled tenfold since we were best friends. When we parted and caught our breath, the lava wall started going down, meaning my visit was over. I looked at Clay, and he pulled me into a tight hug.

"I'll come back," I whispered.

"You better," he replied. "You're the best visitor I've had so far." I giggled and then handed him the mask, but he placed it back in my hands.

"Keep it," Clay said. "So you have me in your thoughts." I nodded and placed a kiss on his cheek before stepping onto the bridge. As the bridge moved through the lava and away from the cell, I glanced back at Clay who mouthed an "I love you." I smiled and mouthed it back, then the lava filled in behind me and I stepped off the bridge to find Sam waiting for me.

"So? How did it go?" I smiled and shrugged.

"Wouldn't you like to know." Sam chuckled, then his gaze fell on the mask in my hands.

"Did he give you that?" he asked. "You saw his face?" I looked down at the mask, a smile instantly appearing.

"So I always have him with." Sam smiled and put an arm over my shoulder as we walked out.

"Guess you're gonna schedule another visit, huh?" I laughed, taking a brief look back at the lava wall.


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Holy crap, this one actually is decent! Hope you all agree! Let me know you want a part two to this one or if you have more ideas for imagines.

Stay poggers, muffinheads!

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