The beginning of the end

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Andaleigha has no clue how she got here. Sitting with her head between her knees and close to borderline insanity. Her body hurts from dehydration and hunger, not having eaten in over a plethora of days, she honestly was to scared to keep counting. There was only one question in her mind, though. When did this torturous nightmare end?

Wait... no, no, no. This isn't how you tell a story! Now is it? Let's start from the very beginning, before Andaleigha found herself in this inhumane predicament.

Andaleigha planned to just hang out with her friends like any other teenaged girl did, go to the park, have some fun and talk about cute boys. Not that Andaleigha herself found boys that appealing. She tended to swing the other way. But hanging out with Reese would be the highlight of her week, especially since it's the easiest way to get away from the crowded home. Her mother and grandparents recently let her aunt, uncle, and two little cousins stay at the house and to put it bluntly, it was like period cramps in 200• heat. So you could say Andaleigha wasn't having a good time with the two majorly spoiled toddlers in the house that enjoyed living and pointing blame on her, but hey, what kid doesn't do that? She couldn't blame them, but she supposed that only made her even more mad. Without someone to blame, her pent up aggression gets placed upon her peers, people like Reese and McKenzie get to see her angry side 24/7 because of it.

Walking down the block she watches squirrels scurry up trees and away from the neighborhood dogs. Petting her overall favorite one, daisy, she sees tiny bugs on her face and swats them off. She got back up and continued her walk to the park. Now, warning, this is where stuff gets weird. As she is crossing the street her foot gets stuck on a branch on the road. The more she pulls, the more panicked she becomes and at last. Her foot is free, but her balance is completely off and she is falling. Suddenly, she goes weightless. Her body and insides go to putty as her vision blurs intensely. She is swimming in bubbling senselessness, and her sense of direction is completely whipped. It's like she is her baby cousins slime, the one that they eventually had to cut out of her hair, being molded and changed to fit the standards of her new surroundings. But as fast as this disgusting feeling of nothingness comes. It's gone. And now she is still on the ground, her head pounding as she lets her eyes adjust to the new lighting. Where was she? How did she get here? Wasn't she just in the sun? Why is there a buzzing sound coming from the light, that for some reason, looks so artificial. And that's when realization hit her, and it hit her hard. She was in a completely different place than she was nearly fifteen seconds ago and she has no idea where she is. She can't see the sun so she doesn't know if she is going east or west, and she sure is realizing that she is completely alone.

What a simply terrifying thing. To be alone. And Andaleigha had never felt more alone than now. It's like the shadows follow her as she gets up and walks to the moldy yellow wall. Put her hand on it in some attempt to ground herself. She really didn't need to have a panic attack right now. She needs to get her bearings and try to figure out where she is.

She looks in three different directions and sees nothing but an endless maze of disgusting looking mildew yellow walls. And to think she used to love yellow, but right now, now that it's the only color other than her black jacket, jeans and sneakers. It absolutely horrible, one of the worst things she thinks she has ever seen actually. Flipping her blonde hair around her gaze is fixed on one direction and she begins to walk. She has chosen to believe that there are no wrong answers and that if she continues to walk, she'll find a way out eventually.

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It had to have been an hour of walking by now, Andaleigha has become painfully aware of her inability to run long distances without breaks. She is stranded in the middle of a well lit room in hopes of staying away from any and all shadows. They feel as though they contort to look at her, stare into her very being as she can do nothing but sit there and endure it. In her frustration, she tears her nails into the wallpaper and rips with and mad huff of pain. She thinks it's been an hour 1/2 since she got here. But she isn't entirely sure. She half expects to pass out from how much running she's done today. She looks up from her sulking to see something in the shadow in the next room of moving. Her eyes widen. She is stunned. And not in a good way. She stares more, somewhat expecting some dark hand or some craziness to come out, but whatever is beyond the darkness. It stays. It stays and just watches. She gets up. And she runs. She run until her legs are numb. What was that? She had no clue. But she sure is not going back. She breathlessly sits down in a corner. Maybe a little bit of rest would do her some good. She shuts her blue eyes and lays her jacket atop her in a blanket like fashion, using the end of it like a pillow. Soft snores are heard from the tired, overworked child as the darkness contorts again, staring directly at the poor young one. But just as it was about to enter into the light. It stops and leaves. Maybe not today, they like to play with their food.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2023 ⏰

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