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Author's note:

 Dear reader,

   This is my first book called «Before it hits». You may already have thought about something like a rock hitting the ground, or a girl hitting puberty. (LOL). But its not anything like that. Sixteen year old Jade Black is just a normal teen who moved to Colorado Springs, Colorado from Manhattan. Quiet, shy and nerdy Jade has trouble «fitting in» at the local high school, «Hammords High». But of course, every sad story has some spark, and that spark may be the cutest, smartest, and tallest guy, Coal Hammington. This story is about how she fits in, makes new friends, gets in alot, and I mean ALOT of trouble, and oh-so-casually finds her first true love. Grab your hoodies, New Yorkers, this adventure is about to begin.

Before it hitsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora