Taking charge

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Sybil had found her, thank God, and more importantly, she was bringing her here. I kept going over everything I'd said, second guessing all of it. I had no idea where I'd gone wrong.

Ok, I had a little idea, but I'd don't know how to fix it. She'd taken rejection of her advances as a rejection of her. Maybe I should have listened to my body rather than my head. Sex doesn't mean the same thing to everyone, maybe I was wrong to be resisting it. But her strong reaction suggested that sex was important to her.

My thoughts went round and round. Maybe she was a lot more involved with that Frankie guy, seducing me an attempt to distract her body from lust she felt for Cinnamon's boyfriend. The only thing I was sure of was that this wasn't a plot to get at my money. She didn't take so much as a pair of the underwear that I bought her.

It was late when she rang the doorbell. That wasn't a good sign, she knew the door code. I had mixed emotions as I went to the door. They disappeared as soon as I saw her, a sigh of relief escaping me as I wrapped her in a hug.

"Thank God you're all right. I've been worried sick."

She didn't exactly hug back. When I released her, she filled her chest with air before she spoke.

"Petre, I'm sorry that I---"

I want sure what was going on in her head, but I knew I didn't like it. "No, you listen to me, young lady. You will not leave the house without telling me where you're going and taking your phone with you. Understood?"

She blinked in surprise. "Yes, Daddy."

"Now, go sit in timeout." It was supposed to be one minute for each year of age, so I just guessed. "Twenty minutes."

She stomped off to sit in the corner where we send Vitalia when she's in trouble. Niki looked so fricking cute sitting there with a grumpy pout and crossed arms. My ears got hot thinking about having those lips wrapped around me again. She'd been back in the house less than five minutes and I already was thinking about sex.

Sybil's Sitters 7 - Playing Dolls with DaddyWhere stories live. Discover now