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THE SUN WAS up and shining brightly in the hidden nation of Wakanda

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THE SUN WAS up and shining brightly in the hidden nation of Wakanda. The birds chirping were loud as the animals flew high in the sky, not focusing on the many tribes down below in the beautiful kingdom in North East Africa. The wind was occasionally blowing by every few seconds that passed as the leaves and the grass of nature swiveled around from the strong, yet short wind.

The white, fluffy looking clouds could be seen in the bright blue sky as they moved in one direction while the time passed, the morning having already turned to the afternoon and the afternoon soon turning into the evening as the sky prepared itself to become darker like every single day. As the time passed, the usual blue sky was slowly turning into a beautiful pink-ish-orange-like color to show that the sun was slowly beginning to set.

The snap of twigs could be heard in the forest near the kingdom where the king and queen lived with their two children, their eldest son and their young daughter, the prince and princess of Wakanda. Adding to the sound of the twigs and the wind, the sound of gurgles that sounded like it came from a baby could be heard.

Underneath the bright sun that was slowly going down, the moon preparing itself to replace it, the king and prince of Wakanda could be seen side by side. The sound of gurgles continued, followed by small cries that the wind blew over. However, one person did hear it. A young adult Prince T'Challa snapped his head over to the sound, holding his finger up to his father as he began walking towards the sound.

King T'Chaka only furrowed his brows, wondering what had caught his son's attention on their little walk they had decided to take together. The prince ventured forward, finding himself walking through the forest, glancing around to make sure no one was hiding in the trees and ready to attack if the sounds he was hearing was to be a trap.

However, as he caught sight of a blanket wrapped up in something, his mind was completely on that as the cries of a baby came right from the blanket. Carefully crouching down on the ground, T'Challa slowly let his hand move part of the blanket until a baby's face came into his view, taking him back that he had found a baby in a blanket in the forest, his eyes glancing around, hoping the baby's parents were around.

Unfortunately, there was no one. He let his brown eyes cast back down to the baby, watching as the baby girl's eyes slowly open up, revealing her bright, yet teary e/c eyes. Her cries seemed to have stopped once her gaze met his and he felt his heart beat happily when she gave him a toothless, gummy smile, even if she had a small cut currently on her forehead.

With careful hands, T'Challa was able to get the baby in his arms and cradle her as he used one of his hands to wipe the few tears on her chubby cheeks. A look of admiration laid on their faces as the baby stared up at the prince, reaching up with her chubby hands. The sound of T'Chaka's voice calling out to his son made the prince turn around, revealing the baby to his father as he walked closer.

"Oh, who is this?" T'Chaka asks.

T'Challa shrugs. "I am not sure. She was just laying here, wrapped up in this blanket. Baba, it was only her."

"What kind of parents would leave her here?" T'Chaka mumbles as he lets his hand caress the baby's small and short hair on her head.

"What shall we do?" T'Challa questions.

T'Chaka sighs. "Let's get her back home, have her checked on and we'll figure it out from there."

Only nodding in response, the prince looks back down at the baby in his arms as he followed close behind his father while they made their way back to their home where the queen and princess currently were. It wasn't long until they had gone to the doctors of Wakanda and T'Challa found himself still holding the baby as they checked on her. He felt a sense that he had to protect her.

Once the doctor explained that she was fine, only bandaging up the small cut she had on her head, was when he found himself walking into the room where his mother and father were currently speaking to one another in hushed tones. Both looked over when they noticed their son enter the room, baby cradled in his arms.

"The doctor said she is fine." T'Challa announces.

Queen Ramonda smiles softly. "Good. Now, we'll look for her parents."

"Mama, she was all by herself when I found her." T'Challa recalls, stepping forward. "Maybe she doesn't... have anyone."

There was a silence between the king and queen and their son before the queen only nodded, claiming that she shall stay with them for the time being while they looked for any family, even if she didn't have any. Little did they know, this little baby in their son's arms would become a part of their family and become their granddaughter later on when the prince of Wakanda decided to adopt her.

Nodding, knowing not to argue with his parents, T'Challa found himself walking out of the room and walking down the hall where he had ran into his little sister. Princess Shuri had immediately put her gaze to the baby in her brother's arms and looked curiously at him, wondering why he was holding a baby and who the baby exactly was.

"Why do you have a baby?" Shuri asks, deciding to walk side by side with her brother.

"Baba and I found her in the woods." T'Challa tells her.

"She's so cute!" Shuri gushes, taking the baby from her brother's arms and holding her instead. "Did you name her yet?"

T'Challa shakes his head. "She's not living with us, Shuri. I'm only looking after her until we find her parents."

Shuri shrugs. "You don't know, maybe she'll become a part of the family. I like Y/n. It's a beautiful name. What do you think?"

T'Challa smiles, staring down at the baby. "Y/n is a wonderful name."

And with that, the siblings found themselves speaking to one another all while Y/n stared up at her future aunt, who was still cradling her in her arms. The royal family didn't know it at the time, but this baby would become a princess of Wakanda and be loved by many in the kingdom, especially by a boy only two years older than her from the Jabari Tribe.

𝐖𝐀𝐊𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐀 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑, 𝗈𝖼 𝗑 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋Where stories live. Discover now