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So I sit here with my radishes and my spinaches

Oh right there's Chinese Licorice too

Careful now that is not a white carrot

It will not win you any prize

ET won't leave me alone because of it

Trust me I am not entertained

Yet I press on assuming you know this war on drugs has our Dietician voting McDonald's

The other guy said the same thing

Almost died eating after a weeks incarceration

Really rolled his guts after the programed cooking

Please make my fries not remind me of COD

The price of gas is to destroy my fish chew

But that's alright we'll make licorice panties

The trout stocks won't survive

But we'll have sexy lingerie

It's okay I have my Spinaches and radishes until they retaliate

Free verse mumbo jumbo poetryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora