The Outsiders Find Out

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Harry appeared in the Premiere building with their usual thunder-like crack of apparition between Garfield and M'gann, Robatman, Cassie, Jaime and Virgil. Wearing a pale blue, strapless, bouffant dress with a black leather jacket on top, fishnet stockings and combat boots.

"Hey guys! Sorry I've been away so long but I've been really busy..." Their happy and distracted mood slowly trailed off with their words at the tense atmosphere of the gathered people in the living area, "Um... did someone die or something?"

Garfield looked worse off in his food-stained shirt, with messy hair and large eyebags. He scoffed before saying lowly, "Yeah... Conner."

Harry let that process in their mind before they said confused, "But he isn't though."

Now it was the heroes turn to take a minute to process this. They all stared at Harry in shock.

"What...?" M'gann said quietly, hopefully.

"He's not dead, if he was I would know and would've been here giving you a message that he probably would've asked me to give you like Wally did," Harry explained calmly as if this was an everyday occurrence.

"But we saw that shadow on the wall!" Garfield defended.

"Yeah someone died and that person left that on the wall, but that person wasn't Conner."

"Then who left that mark on the wall? There wasn't anyone else there that M'gann or Garfield saw or detected," Cassie asked.

"Can't tell you that yet, but I will when the time comes," they replied.

"So you're telling me, that when he went into the lava and the kryptonite exploded and went into the air... he didn't die," Garfield asks slowly as if to make sure.

"Definitely. While Death doesn't like when I deliver messages from the dead, Conner is my favourite and I would put up with Death's whining to do so for him."

Garfield processed this in his mind, 'So I didn't need to grieve! I didn't kill him, he's alive!'

Tears fell as he smiled in relief. Garfield wiped them away happily.

"Can you tell us where he is?" asks M'gann, eager to get her fiancé back.

Harry pursed their black-painted lips as they hummed before they delivered their answer, "No."

That answer immediately made her deflate.

"Why not?" Virgil asked confused.

"You already told us he's alive!" exclaimed Jaime.

They shrugged their shoulders before answering factually, "You finding out he isn't dead was inevitable and telling you does nothing but speed up the inevitable. I can't tell you where he is because that does have an effect on the timeline and balance itself. Finding him yourselves is crucial."

M'gann considered the statement, "So you mean we would've found out he's alive anyway?"

Harry nodded their head," Yep! And I ask you not to share this with anyone else, the balance depends on it."

They all nodded their heads, knowing that Harry needn't threaten them for fear of LITERAL DEATH scared them into not risking anything. ESPECIALLY with Death's famed pettiness and spite making sure they'd regret it.

"Well knowing that he's alive at all is a blessing," says Robotman, "And we can try to find out where he is."

Harry then turned to Beast Boy who had been wiping away happy tears. They pointed at him and sternly said, "You are going to take a shower, change and go to therapy."

The green male opened his mouth to protest but was cut off with a resounding, "Nope!" before they herded him away to his room.

But he's not dead though...Where stories live. Discover now