week 3 part 5

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A/n: I'm sorry about how this has so many parts that are so short, im really trying but my motivation isn't really there.

                                                                          -y/n's POV-

                                          wow......twins???? what are we going to name them? what will their quirks be?? How are we going to do this?? Will I have to quit my night shift? I wouldn't mind it too much, dealing with kids is a job of its own, but what am I going to do??? 

      "Hey Babybird, ready to go home?"   "Hm? o-oh, yeah..." "everything ok?" "mhm, I'm just......I'm shocked." I said as i stood up. "so am I, I wasnt expecting that, but, im happy about it. I'm so exited to start a family." he said as we walked out of the building "same, now lets go home, i want cuddles." i said. "ok ok, to home." he said as he picked me up, and started flying.

                                            -hawks POV-

i sigh, it's so beautiful and refreshing up here, in the sky, i feel so free. this feeling is almost as amazing as she makes me feel, i am so exited to start a family, and im happier than ever knowing it's with her. well, were home, time to cuddle with the best girl in the world.

wait....seriously!? DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now