week 1

420 7 10

11 P.M October 23, 2018 (a/n chose a random date sorry)   

                                                               -hawks POV-

another day of saving life's and doing paperwork is over but now I get to see my Babybird, it's been a few days since I found out she was pregnant, and ever since I've been smiling. Now usually this is normal but this is the happiest I've been since the start of being a hero. I open the door and to my dismay my baby bird is up in a uniform about to leave. "Baby, where are you going"

     I say "oh hey babe I'm going to work I have the night shift tonight," "oh no you don't call in you're not going." "but-" "no buts you're pregnant, and it's like 11:00." "ughh fiinneee" y/n whined I chuckled "god you're so adorable." "s-shut up." "get changed and let me cuddle you and maybe ill consider being quiet about how beautiful you are...........Babybird~" 


"I said shut up." "no reason to hit me with a pillow baby, I do this cause I love you" I said pecking her nose, she pouted and went up to our room on the second floor to get changed.  

                                                                        -y/n POV-

why is he such a tease  I thought redder than a tomato, I get out of my uniform and look and my growing stomach "I can't wait to meet you little one." I get dressed and go back downstairs. Keigo no where to be found. "babe!" I call only for the lights to be shut. panicking i grab the pillow i hit hawks with earlier. "hello" I call next thing i know to arms are wrapped around my waist and  a familiar voice says "hey babybird~" then you hear him chuckle I hit him with the pillow and simply said shut up " fine fine" he said laughing. I simply pull him onto the couch grab the TV remote and put "Ounce Upon A Time" (really good show) and cuddle up to him. "I love you." I say as I fall asleep "love you to" Keigo says also falling asleep.

wait....seriously!? DISCONTINUEDUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum