Maybe validation.

Maybe acceptance.


"I said I have two-toned hair naturally."

"No, I wasn't asking you to repeat, that's just an exclamation of surprise."


"No way you actually have red and white hair."

"But I do?"

"Oh my God. Todoroki-kun, that is so cool."

To say Todoroki was taken aback would be a bit of an understatement.

"You think?" He stumbled on his words, blinking in confusion.

"Who wouldn't think that naturally two-toned hair is cool? Can I-?" He seemed to hesitate, before asking more cautiously, "Can you take off that wig?"

Todoroki felt odd. Not the uncomfortable kind of odd, since he had already seen him at the library without his wig on.

"I've never taken it off here."

"You don't have to do it, of course—" he interrupted.

"No, I don't mind it." He said, fidgeting around with his head until he finally found the edge of his wig, taking it off.

His hair was messy, having to sit under the cap most of the time, and when he ruffled it to straighten it up, Izuku stared at him almost like he was in a museum.

"Holy crap, you do actually have it." He was running out of words to describe his half-red, half-white hair.

"Yeah." He smiled, still straightening the locks out.

"How did this even happen."

"I was a genetic experiment."

"I'm sorry???"

"You didn't hear anything, forget it."

Their conversation was currently so dry that Izuku wanted to dump a bucket of water over himself just to come across as not boring.

He wanted to know about the scar as well, but he thought of it as a story for some other day.

He didn't want to touch upon sensitive subjects.

A vague thought passed Izuku. For a second, and only for a second, his brain froze as his neck snapped in the direction of Todoroki, taking in his features.

"No way."


"Wait, are you the Todoroki? The upcoming model Shoto Todoroki? Oh my God, are you Endeavor's son?! How did I not notice this sooner, oh my God, Todoroki, you're famous. How blind can a person get."

Todoroki thought it was better when he didn't know who he really was.

"Yeah. I didn't want to bring it up." He rubbed his nape, a gesture Izuku usually did when he was uncomfortable.

"Ah, sorry, I was just shocked that someone that famous goes to my uni and is just one year ahead of me and I still didn't know."

"That's alright. I prefer to keep it hidden anyway. You know, the wig and all."

"So right now, no one here knows you're almost a celebrity?"

"And I'd prefer to keep it that way."

"In other words, I'm the only one!?" He almost turned red from the excitement.

"Yeah." Todoroki breathed.

"That's so cool." He whispered, shining so bright, Todoroki wanted to whip out his sunglasses.

There was a stretch of silence again, but it wasn't as uncomfortable as it was before.

Izuku kept smiling, looking at Todoroki, looking at the ground, and smiling again.

Shoto couldn't help but chuckle at his antics, and that made Izuku smile more.

They engaged in casual conversation better now, having grown close enough to make light jokes.

Midoriya was extremely outgoing, the type to have no trouble making friends even if he was left stranded in an unknown country. He didn't judge people firsthand, and he allowed the conversation to flow.

It was so easy simply being with him.

People are such a chore, is what Todoroki used to say, having not exactly met the best ones.

But Midoriya made him want to smile, laugh and talk more. Someone who made him want to share his contact info, just so they could talk more. Someone he didn't feel awkward around.

That was the impression Izuku had on him the second he talked to him at the library.

He stared at the green-haired boy, who rambled on about sweet nothings.

"Thanks for today." Izuku stopped when he heard those words.

Shoto said he wasn't going to try anything weird today.

But he contradicted himself.

Midoriya looked up to see a genuine smile on Todoroki's face.

"I had a lot of fun." 

What Todoroki didn't know, was that when he said those words, it was Izuku who felt something in his heart.

That was a smile brighter than anything he'd ever seen.

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