"I have been waiting for you." Miku said still in a monotone voice. "You've been waiting? Then you know who we are?" Kanade asked and Miku replied with a quick Yeah. "Seriously? Does that mean you're the one who brought us here?" Mizuki asked, seems like the group has alot of questions. "That is half-true. I did call you here. But there was also another." Miku answered but another question from Mizuki came out. "Another? Who?" Two questions, Miku answered, "This place was created from her feelings."

"This is her world... her SEKAI"

"What do you mean a place created by her feelings?" Fourth question, "Can you try explaining this in a way that actually makes sense?!" Fifth question, except Ena asked more angered. "Hold on, if this really is a different world, does that mean we actually got isekai'd?" Sixth question.

"Yes. SEKAI is a world that is different from the place where you all live. Your world and this one are connected by Untitled." 

"Untitled? You mean the song file in the shared folder?" Eight question, Mizuki asked, and Kanade asked another. "And we're here now because we played the file?" Tenth question in a row, "No way. So this isn't like a dream or something?" Ena was rushing through her words. "But if this isn't a dream, does that mean the only way to get back to our world is by stopping that song?" Ena asked, but instead of Miku, Mizuki replied. "We can't exactly do that without our computers." "Then what are we supposed to do?!" Ena asked, angered again. 

"Please... you have to find her. She cannot continue like this. If she does not realize her true feelings, then... If you find her, you can save her. I am sure she will realize her true feelings. And once she does, it will give birth to her song." Miku said.

"Um... I still don't quite understand what's going on." Ena tried to figure out what was going on, "Find some girl so we can save her?" Mizuki asked.

"Save..." Kanade mumbled.   

"Miku?" A new figure appeared.

Kanade, looked up. "That voice! ...Yuki?"


"Miku, why are there people here?" The girl asked, Miku just stayed silent. "Huh? Yuki? Now that you mention it, it does sound like her." Mizuki stated. "But is this really Yuki? She seems completely different from when we talk on Nightcord." Ena wondered.

"Yuki..." Kanade said, seemingly reaching out for 'Yuki'. "K?" Mafuyu asked. "Yeah that's right." "It really is Yuki..." Ena asked pretty surprised. "And you two must be Enanan and Amia." 'Yuki' stated, with a blank expression on her face again. "I'm so glad you're all right, Yuki! We were getting worried after not hearing from you for so long. Have you been here the whole time? Did you get stuck here because you couldn't find a way to get back?"

'Yuki' kept silent. "What's wrong? Yuki, are you all right? Are you hungry from not having eaten since you got here or something?" Mizuki asked, pretty concerned.

"Annoying..." 'Yuki' mumbled. "Huh?" Mizuki, was shocked. "Stay out of my world and leave me alone." 'Yuki' said in a soft, but spiteful tone. "What is that supposed to mean? Are you saying you don't want to go home?" Ena asked, "I just said that. I want to be left alone here." 'Yuki' stated. "Alone? That's..." Kanade mumbled, as Ena questioned what was going on here. "Um... Then, does that mean you don't want to keep making songs with us?" Mizuki asked, with a sad look on her face.

"That's right. How many times do I have to say it?" 'Yuki' asked, more in a hateful way. Kanade looked down, "Yeah, but this kinda feels a bit sudden, you know? Look, even Kanade is surprised. Right, Kanade?" Mizuki asked, but Kanade ignored her "Yuki..." "What?" 'Yuki' looked at Kanade with a blank look on her face, even her eyes, couldn't show much emotions. "Does that mean you just want to make songs by yourself from now on as OWN?" Kanade asked, and it seemed to get their attention. "What? OWN? You mean... What?" Ena asked, "Yuki is OWN" Kanade said, and this shocked them alot, "What? Yuki is OWN? What are you talking about?!" Mizuki asked, she wanted an answer there and then. "Where's your proof?" 'Yuki' asked, her face showing little to no emotions still. 

"I have none, but I can tell. The songs may be completely different than the ones we make as N25, but I'm sure of it. Isn't that right, Yuki?" 'Yuki' kept quiet for a bit, then finally admitted it "Yeah, that's right. I'm OWN" Mizuki looked bamboozled. "S-Seriously?" and Ena asked, "Are you really OWN?" 

"That's what I said." 'Yuki' said in an almost robotic tone. "What? So that means the entire time Amia and I were talking about OWN the other day... Why didn't you say anything?" "I didn't see any reason to tell you, so I didn't. I've never spoken to you as anyone other than Yuki, after all." 'Yuki' stated, not feeling guilty one bit. "What's that supposed to mean?! So what was going through your head while I went off about how amazing you were without even knowing the truth? Were you just having a laugh at my expense?!" Ena almost screamed, "C-Calm down, Enanan! Can we atleast talk about this a little more, Yuki? Even if you are OWN, do you really have to stop being part of N25? This is all way too sudden..." Mizuki tried to ask 'Yuki' "There's no reason for me to remain part of N25." Mizuki was confused by 'Yuki's' response.

"Being inN25 wasn't enough." "Enough for what?" Kanade asked, but just received silence in return for a bit. "K, the first time I heard your songs, I felt like they had saved me. A little bit. So I thought being near you might be able to help me find what I was looking for. But it wasn't enough. I wasn't able to find anything." "Oh..."

"I felt like your song saved me." 

"So... I wasn't able to save you...?" Kanade asked, "And if being around you won't help me find what I'm looking for, then I'll just have to do it on my own. Miku, I have nothing else to say to these people. Get them out of here." 'Yuki' said, almost like she was commanding Miku. "I see. Can you really find what you're looking for on your own?" Miku asked. 'Yuki' was silent for a bit.

"If you say there's still a possibility I can find myself, then I will give up everything to do so. That is the only option left. But if I can't find myself even then... then I'll just have to disappear." Miku was silent, and then Ena started screaming. "What the heck are you even talking about?! Being saved?! Disappear?! What's wrong with you?!" "Come on, let's talk about this. You're acting strange, Yuki." Mizuki said, "Strange? If I'm strange, then so are all of you. Be honest, K, Enanan, Amia... You all want to disappear more than anyone." Ena and Kanade, were shocked with what she said, but Mizuki just stayed silent. 

"And yet you call me strange?" 'Yuki' asked. "Seriously, what's gotten into you, Yuki? What do you mean I want to disappear? I love my life, so why would I think that?" Mizuki started acting so happy, "You don't have to do this anymore. Amia, you always act like you're having fun, but deep down you know exactly what I'm talking about, don't you?" Mizuki was silent for a second, "Oh, really?" with a weird tone.

"Anyway, I'm tired of this. Miku. I don't want these people in my world." 'Yuki' said, and Miku complied with what Mafuyu wants. "Okay." "Huh? Miku! H-Hold on!" Ena tried to talk more, but got sent back with a single touch of Miku. "What? When Miku touched her, she just disappeared!" Mizuki was shocked by this, "Now, you" Miku sent Mizuki back. 

"Mizuki!" Kanade called out. "And you, too..." Miku was about to touch Kanade. "Wait!" "Goodbye..."

"But please... find a way to save Mafuyu."


"Huh.. What a bother.. that too?" 'Yuki' stated. Miku looked confused "What?" 'Yuki' sighed, "Nothing." She noticed some thing about Kanade, when she tried to reach out for her. "How annoying. They didn't even notice their strings." "Oh, those." Miku didn't have one, for she is a Vocaloid. 

Red string of death. Mafuyu x KanadeWhere stories live. Discover now