Chapter 8 : An unexpected revelation.

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S: -Are you kidding me? Why would I do anything to him knowing he has a girlfriend. It's crazy.

U: It may be crazy, but just today he confessed to us something that none of us expected and that is very strange from him.

S: And I'm to blame for that? Just because you hate me doesn't mean that I'm to blame, you understand?

U: - I didn't come here to start a war, I just want to know what you did to him to make him decide to break up with Mitsuri.

S: - Is Mitsuri his girlfriend? The one he gave the roses to? The first news I got is that he wants to break up with her, can I know why he wants to break up with her or do I have to guess?

U: Muichiro says that she is too affectionate with him and that he wants a change of scenery, he wants to find someone to help him with his problems and not suffocate him.

Oh my God, so you it's true, really Muichiro?! Are you going to cheat on her with me? 

But what's gotten into you? What have I done to you to ruin something so beautiful for an unexpected love?

U: -Are you listening to me? 

S: -What were you saying? -

U: - Are you going to help us or are you going to say yes to him?

S: - I'll see what I can do, don't tell Mitsuri, I'm not here to comfort anyone else, I've been ordering flowers all week to comfort and reassure.

U: -What are you going to do?

S: - I will try to make her see reason and not break up with Mitsuri over a silly thing like this.

U: - What do you mean by foolishness, what has he done then?

S: - Don't tell Tokito, okay?

U: - Don't worry, I won't tell him, you can trust me, if this helps us I'll invite you to something, I don't know what, but I'll think of something.

S: - No need to invite me to anything, I tell you, one day I was trying to look for him because I was very curious about who he was and why he helped me the day I went to your boss, when I found him I wanted to get as much information as possible but I changed my mind because he didn't deserve this and besides, he was too pure and innocent.

 The third time I saw him was in the flower shop, he asked me for some flowers that I didn't have and before leaving he told me that when I wanted to visit him, I didn't know at that time that he was saying it with the intention of making loving ties. 

Finally I felt sorry that he did not find the flower he was looking for and then I gave him a similar flower and I ran away from there, his body emitted some suspiciously strange waves and when I got home I started to investigate them. When I finished I was a little scared, those waves were of affection and appreciation, I wanted to leave it aside thinking that it would be because of the flower and in a friendly state but when you told me what will break with Mitsuri everything has squared me.

U: -I understand, then he has fallen in love with you, hasn't he?

S: - Yes and the worst thing is that I don't even have the same feelings, I have affection for him but that kind of affection is not what he wants.

U: -I hope you get that absurd idea out of his head.

S: -Are you calling me ugly to my face?!

El Lirio Azul Araña /The Blue Spider LilyWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu