His thoughts then drifted to Iruka, his first teacher. Their relationship had been rocky at first, Naruto had been sure that the man had been placed by whatever God the world had to make his life a living hell. He always got onto him, always picked him from the bunch. It wasn't until Naruto started hanging with Shikamaru, Choji and Kiba that he realized that maybe Iruka didn't have it out for him as he initially thought. On the fateful day that Mizuki had convinced Naruto to steal the Forbidden Scroll, Iruka had unknowingly showed Naruto how much he had cared for the boy and had even given him his own headband after the whole debacle was finished. Ever since then their bond had become even closer, Naruto thinking of him as his older brother. However, now with Jiraiya gone, he guessed that Iruka was now the closest thing to a father he would ever get.

With that said, Iruka would probably also have the same reaction as Ayame only he would have the stones and reprimand Tsunade as well. Naruto dreaded the moment when Iruka would inevitably insult Tsunade's age.

Kami knows what will happen.

Suddenly Naruto became self-aware as he remembered the single person's sole reaction who was actually important. Tsunade herself. There was no guaranteeing that she would be open to a relationship with him, as a matter of fact, details suggested otherwise.

Naruto's head briefly hurt as he became aware of the situation and the clues started flooding his head. Tsunade was initially reluctant to agree to his proposal when he visited her the other day. This became apparent as he heard her take slow steps as she walked to the masseuse table from the other room. Then when he had announced himself to her as she lay on the table, her expression explained her position very clearly. She was not in a situation she wanted to be and only proceeded with the massage because she had ultimate faith in him. Then she didn't relax until he began to work her body, rubbing every ache away. Naruto could tell she was fighting herself not to moan. Later she finally gave in and let him touch her intimately before completing the act, could only be explained by her lack of lovers over the years. Her last one would be Dan over twenty years ago. Finally, the last clue would be this very morning he woke up. He woke up to an empty bed and he could hear no movements within his apartment, so it would be logical to conclude that she was no longer in the vicinity and was now at the Hokage's office. Now one would initially believe that to be normal except…

Naruto looked at the clock and read the time.

The Hokage's official duties on the weekends didn't begin until eight, giving her forty-three minutes to get ready, and judging by the coldness of the mattress, she had left quite a while ago. Far sooner than she needed to get ready for the day. Logical conclusion? She regretted what had happened the day before.

Naruto grit his teeth as he clutched his head.

What the hell, he thought. When did this level of intellect become a part of him? He had brushed off his analysis of Sakura as simply an awakening due to losing his virginity, but this. This was something much more. One wasn't blissfully unaware one moment, then perceptually adept the next.

Naruto slowly got up from his bed and went to the bathroom. He looked in the cabinet and reached for the aspirin before realizing he had no reason to take any at all. Not that his head wasn't hurting, but the medication would most likely have no effect on him at all. He had his tenant, the Kyuubi, to thank for that. After all, the Kyuubi granted him not only pure power but also the ability to heal from wounds at a rapid rate. If the Kyuubi couldn't heal his headache, Naruto didn't think a few tablets would either.

Naruto simply decided to chuck the bottle into the trash before stepping into the shower and getting ready for the day. After towel drying his hair, he made his way over to his closet and opened the sliding doors to it. Six different jumpsuits of his favorite black and orange. It was the jumpsuit that his sensei had bought him when he had outgrown the one he wore during the duration of their training. He looked further into the closet to get a view at the rest of his clothing. Contrary to popular belief, he did own more clothing than just his tracksuit, of course  his clothes were mainly orange, but he did own a few pieces of black and red shirts oddly enough. His pants were mainly black and orange, but he had received stone grey pants, along with the red shirt, from Iruka as a welcome back present. He wasn't sure why, he could've just bought him ramen. Naruto shrugged, nothing he could do now. He decided to just go with the usual ensemble and went down to a breakfast shop that was newly opened. New shops were something Naruto was grateful for, it usually meant new civilians, which also meant that they had no idea of his little roommate. Naruto had found that not only was that the case from the landlord of his new apartment, but the landlord had also believed he'd owed Naruto some sort of debt.

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