Começar do início

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

You gather all your courage and ring the bell. You feel a knot in your stomach as you wait, but it's too late to run away now. The door opens and the green-haired boy shows up, immediately flinching as he recognizes you.


"Hi, Midorima-san. I... I am here to bring you today's lucky item." – you say handing him the doll.

"Oh, thank you."

For never-ending seconds no one says anything and you stay there staring at each other like two guppies. He doesn't close the door, you don't turn to leave: the situation is becoming embarrassing.

"Would you... would you like to get in and have some tea?"

You'd never imagine him inviting you, but as you're here you shouldn't waste this opportunity.

"Gladly, if I don't disturb you."

You take off your shoes and look around: it's a beautiful, extremely elegant home. You feel almost out of place wearing a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt.

"Get comfortable." – Midorima says as you sit on a huge leather sofa.

While he prepares the tea you just look around, still wondering if your decision was the right one or the biggest mistake ever. When he comes back he sits on the armchair next to the sofa and you both start sipping your tea. The conversation starts slowly but after a couple of minutes it goes smoothly and you realize that he's definitely not the rude and evil boy you thought he was: he's just shy and reserved, just like you, and you both feel like you've just found a kindred soul. Contrary to your expectations you stay there and chat for a really long time: it's time for you to get home.

"Wait, (Name-san). I'm sorry for the first day of school, I... I misjudged you. I realized it before today to be honest, but I thought you wouldn't want to have anything to do with me, so I avoided you. But, you know... it seems like we get along pretty well so... I was thinking that we could maybe be friends."

"Of course, it would be a pleasure." – you reply, relieved after hearing his explanation. Midorima smiles at you and you're sure that this is a very rare and valuable gift. Oha Asa was right: you're really getting home with butterflies in your stomach. Not knowing that he is feeling those butterflies, too.


(Timeskip of a few months)

"Hi, Shintaro!"

"Hi, (Name)."

After that day your relationship with him has grown closer and closer as time has gone by. Noticing that you share a ton of interests and have lots of things in common, you met several times outside school, just like today, and your friendly meetings started getting similar to love dates. It's useless to say that you're head to toe in love with him, but you're not sure that he feels the same about you: you think you've caught a few hints, but you're always scared of mistaking friendly gestures for romantic ones. You've always behaved normally, without forcing things, and he has done the same. Nonetheless, it's really hard to overlook the chemistry between you.

You've just got inside a fancy restaurant, that Midorima has carefully chosen. You think it's going to be one of the usual dinners, but not this time: he booked a table for two isolated from the others, with a wonderful view and candles lighting the place. Talking about meetings that look like dates, this is the perfect example: Midorima had never gone this far though, and your heart is full of enthusiasm and expectations.

"It's wonderful!" – you say, looking around with dreamy eyes.

"I'm glad you like it." – he answers, his pink cheeks hidden by the dim light.

You have a seat and order delicious meals, enjoying the view from the big windows and especially the sight of the person sitting in front of you. All dressed up waiters with napkins on their arms pour water directly in your glasses, making you feel like the main character of a beautiful romantic movie. You enjoy your dinner enriching it with your conversations, that can bring out the funny and sociable side of two shy ones like you: after all, when you're together you're not afraid to show your real selves.

When you finish your meal, Midorima takes a look at his watch.

"It's almost time, (Name). Come here."

Puzzled, you get up and close to Midorima, that is standing in front of a window.

"Should something be happening?"

"Just a moment of patience."

Just like he's said you wait and look at the nocturnal breath-taking view of Tokyo, that you can perfectly see from the restaurant in the top floor. Suddenly, colourful fireworks light up the sky.


You place your hands on the glass like a child, intrigued by those amazing sparkling lights.

"I knew that a pyrotechnic show was programmed today, so I wanted to find a place to watch it in all its beauty."

As you and Midorima watch the wonders of fireworks, you get closer and closer. When the last firework dissolves, you look in each other's eyes with enthusiastic faces: there's no need for words to describe the paradise that this moment is, and even if they were needed, there would be none. The emerald-haired boy places his hands on your waist and pulls you closer, while you wrap your arms around his neck. Still smiling you share your first, sweet kiss, and you feel your heart melt. Only one thought in your mind: 'Thanks, Oha Asa, for giving me the world's best boyfriend.'

With this sweet note ends this oneshot and my first requested story. I hope you've enjoyed it! :)

(ENG) KUROKO NO BASKET ONESHOTSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora