Chapter 7: The witch and the demon lord's bride.

Start from the beginning

"You will be rewarded handsomely if you follow." (Azel) shows her card once more and the staff lady continues her sentence from before.

"Oh my! It doesn't say in my contract to do so- I meant by that in! It doesn't say that I can't help a customer in need! I'll call everyone to help! Please sit tight as we get the paperwork we need!" she went back to her happy demeanor after hearing a handsome reward incoming and immediately told all of her friends who are available on the case.

A rich tycoon is in her store and is needing all kinds of things to move in!

If they help they get money! From the looks of it this is one generous young lady!

"Paperwork. Geoffrey, do you have yours?" (Azel) takes her servant in the side and was worried about buying all this without proper human identity but not to worry!

"Of course, Master. I have all my valid IDs here in my wallet. All the things we've bought today I'll sign under my name. I've already contacted one of my nephews to forge you an identity."

"I see... What does this 'ID' stand for? It seems to be important in today's human era." (Azel)

"Here Master." He takes out his wallet and presents his current identification card with his picture on it as well as all the needed information below.

Geoffrey Hua Lin, age sixty-five and blood type O...

"It's an identification card telling where you're from, age and such. We'll also be needing to get you a passport as well- so that you can travel freely getting into a plane and such." (Geoffrey)

A plane? Those flying device they used to deploy nukes and bombs before?

"I see... they've used it as a matter of public transportation." (Azel) commends the humans for their advance progress in technology. "I suppose you'll be putting me as a temporary member of the Hua Lin family? How thoughtful, the Hua Lin descendants of my first servant have grown successful."

She remembers the first time she set foot in China and picked up a little child who managed to steal something under her nose but unfortunately for him- her bad luck made the boy trip himself and get caught by the demon lord.

He seemed to be brave, at their first meeting. Not even shedding a tear when she revealed her true form. With a little mercy and amusement, she asked the young man if he wanted to become her servant.

Realizing the boy lived alone in the streets, with no family and his grandparents dying in the sheer cold weather. It remind her of her life before. Such pity but now... she was sure her old servant is looking down up above on his descendants living the best life that they can.

"You already feel like a part of the family, Master. For you have certainly taken care of us for four generations already." he bows slightly in respect and the demon lord takes their gratitude kindly.

"Four generations it's already been that long. Your ancestor would be proud, Geoffrey. While they settle in our new home we will shop for clothes next. Let us away." (Azel) struts around the mall looking for the next store they can shop in.

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