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The rain pours down heavy outside, a category 5 Hurricane had hit the island nation of Britain pretty hard, a civil defence warning was issued to everyone to stay at home until the storm passes just a few days ago, so practically noone was outside but those who wanted to brave the storm. A CH-47 Chinook, coloured with Blue stripes that glowed as it came over the hill and towards London. The city went into alert when it appeared with their beams of protection moving around in the sky, then the raid sirens went off, the signal for civilians to move to a bomb shelter, into their basements, or down to the subway to shelter from the attackers.

The sky then lit up as Aircraft began diving down, moving to intercept the Tandem Rotor Helicopter, Anti-Aircraft Batteries began firing with the purpose of protecting the Helicopter and the City, the afternoon sky turning into a dawning horizon in hell. Fire in the Sky. The Helicopter continued towards its target destination.

The Anti-Aircraft Batteries were a mixture of New and Old Technology, the up-to-date Challenger 'Marksman' with the C-RAM Weapons System mounted on the M977 HEMTT A3. Not only did fighters appear, but bombers started flying over and dropping payloads of unguided munitions onto the city. Those two systems began targeting the unguided bombs with near pinpoint accuracy, however, even with the most advanced technology available, some bombs got through and hit a few buildings and the roads.

The Chinook kept going, undaunted of the flak firing from just below it. A Surface-to-Air Missile launched upwards an enemy strike fighter, taking it out but the wreckage flew pretty close to the helicopter. Banking right, the Heavy Lift Helicopter missed the flying wreckage by 6 feet ( 2 metres ) as it came down and 5 seconds later, it crashed into the ground hard and bursted into flames and smouldering wreckage flew all over the street before the main fuselage came to a halt 50 metres from the point of impact.

The Chinook was within sight of the Hospital, when a multi-role fighter dived towards the Chinook from behind and lined up a shot, firing the guns lasers whipped by and it took evasive manoeuvres to avoid being hit and banked hard left. What the fighter didn't expect was for a Marksman to be watching from in front of the Helicopter and it fired away with its Swiss Oerlikon 35mm anti-aircraft guns.

The Siren was ripped apart at the wings, sparrings begame shrapnel to its own aircraft and the fuselage was damaged to an extent as it tried to bank left to chase after the helicopter to where its right wing ripped off from the damaged sparring and proceeded to go into a flatspin, wiring was damaged to when the aircraft tried to adjust it caused a short circuit to where sparks came into contact with fuel leaking from the ruptured fuel tank, which in turn caused the fuel tank to explode and turned the down aircraft into a burning fireball.

Saint George Hospital, the Main Hospital for london was expecting the helicopter to come in but the hospital had been notified on such short notice that they had to make emergency preparations for the incoming aircraft while simultaneously making sure that already admitted patients were same from the current air raid.

The raid sirens blare into the afternoon, the thunder rumbles with the cackle of lightning at a higher altitude as the Helicopter comes in for its final approach from the South West, coming from Portsmouth. Two security guards with two nurses and one doctor patiently waited on the roof until the helicopter landed on the Heli-pad, it was lighted up with white lights on the perimeter of the pad and green lights illuminated the White Cross on it but showed as a green caduceus rather than white.

The landing lights on the Chinook came to life at the flick of a switch, illuminating the landing pad even more as it descended down from the sky slowly so that the pilots are confident that they won't go barreling into the hospital and down into the ground below. The security came out as the two nurses and doctor wore rain coats to protect their upper bodies from getting soaked, high visibility rain coats at the security guards request as they watched the Helicopter's loading bay face the ramp with them walking up to meet their newly admitted patient.

They walked up the ramp as the helicopter finally touched down, the loading bay door lowered down to the floor with both the nurses and doctor going into the helicopter to give a quick assessment on the patient. Royal Marines were inside as they watched them come in, four royals marines were already good for departure as the patient - who was on a stretcher with a heart rate monitor attached - was blaring like crazy to where the doctor looked at the patient, and he practically orders the Royal Marines to follow him and push the body and to follow him.

The four that were ready push the patient as the Doctor runs down the ram and to the elevator to where the doctor opened it up and pulled out a little device to where it alerted the hospital that the patient has arrived, pressing another button put the particular patient on priority. The two nurses entered quickly as the door closes and both are shocked at the injured patient as the elevator descends.

"Surgery is on the second floor, it should be available."

The Doctor said, the nurses nod in unison, meaning the room is and will be available after looking at who their patient is. Then the door opens, revealing the corridor.

The stretcher was pushed forward through the crowd of people by the doctor. The Marines pushed nurses and doctors out of the way as the thunder cracked outside once again. The Patient was a woman, who was instrumental in the current war effort

"Coming Through! Get Out Of Our Way!!"

With a faint heartbeat the monitor was going crazy, blood was dripping onto the floor leaving a dotted trail, the sheets blood-soaked beyond cleaning. The stomping of boots and tapping of heels echoed through the hall, busting into surgery leaving the critical patient in the hands of the surgeons. With a loud bang of thunder, the double doors clashed against each other locking into place, muffled sobbing of guilt from a woman huddled into a man's arms.

The Surgeons remove unnecessary clothing and open up to the skin, quickly examine the body of the patient. Her arms looked like they were hacked at by a sharp weapon, probably a sword or an axe, her legs had chunks blown out of them with exposed muscles drooping out which showed the chipped femur and bones. But that wasn't the worst.

Her Torso looked like it had been ripped open, or blown out, as blood was making a fondue fountain as her exposed heart pumped blood for the body to survive. Her left lung was sliced open, her right somehow intact. Her intestines shrivelled up, and were torn apart. Kidneys? They didn't exist anymore. Her bladder was gone as well, her stomach has a huge hole it, scratch that. Half of it was gone.

Blood dripped onto the ground as the surgeons lifted her onto the operation table to begin work immediately. They had one huge operation on it, and somehow, she was still alive. Her eye sight was blurry, barely awake as she heard voices all around her.

"Is this it?... is this how I go out.?"
She thought, the blood pressure was weakening.

"..all I sacrificed.... all I undid...."

Her eyes start to close, as she fights to stay awake as the aesthetics start to kick in for her surgery.

"...what was it all for..? ...for forgiveness?"

Her concentration starts to slip, the heart rate monitor blaring warnings of flatlining as the surgeons race against the clock.

"...I don't think...."

Her face falls to rest as the surgery begins.

"...I'm worthy of forgiveness.."

With that, her mind slips unconscious, seemingly her soul begins to drift into the void. Her final resting place.

Unfortunately, this isn't the end of your Story. My Lady.

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