- Chapter 1 -

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Ranboo POV

I removed my mask and sighed, "Finally."

I'd just been eliminated from Tommy's Love or Host. I was honestly suprised it'd taken that long. Though Tommy and I are pretty good friends.

Now I had an option of continuing to watch or going to bed....Now I had to be honest- It's was getting late, I'm tired, and I do not want to see Tommy win some cliche "love" with some random girl.

Not that I don't want him to be happy!- Just that like- because I was a contestant! And I'm just salty I didn't win! Cause I like winning! That's all....

I got up and turned my PC off. I went on my phone and saw that I was trending and everyone was freaking oit over me choosing love. I thought it was a pretty good bit, and honestly it didn't really mean anything. Just because I knew I wouldn't actually win, so picking love would be funny and great content! Which obviously, I was right.

I went to my closet and took out a black tee shirt and some black sweats. I changed and then put my dirty clothes into the hamper. I layed down in bed and got comfortable.

Okay so I'll admit- It's not actually that late over here. It's almost 8pm. I live in America still, and the last time I visited the UK was like- last year.

I was so incredibly bored right now- per usual. So I sat in bed and decided to just scroll through Social Media. I had no one to really call or talk to at the moment.

- Time Skip -

Tommy POV

Finally my LOH stream was over. And I'd won love with a contestant named Olive! She's truly great, and I quite like her.

But I didn't feel up for the stream afterwards. Simply because- it was late, almost 4am. So I was really tired and wanted to go to sleep.

I went to my discord real quick then went to my second most recent after Austin. It was Ranboo. I just wanted to check he was alright. Cause he is my mate and I was a little concerned when he had messaged me so suddenly during the show.

Feel any better?
Just ended btw

I waited a little bit then saw he was typing. I smiled to myself and kicked my feet waiting for his reply to pop up.

I'll be fine tho
What happened?

I immediately responded.


With who?

She's pretty cool
We're gonna go on a mc date tomorrow


He seemed....I dunno- bothered? I'm not sure, but he seemed off that's for sure.

U alright m8?

I saw the three dots indicating he was typing. Then they faded away for a second, then re appeared. I sighed, Why won't he just tell me....

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