Whoever Said Money Doesnt't Help is a Liar

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Fear. Fear is all Izuku felt as he was hiding inside a cabinet. He was drenched in sweat, tears streamed out of his closed eyes, and both of his hands were covering his mouth trying to silence the sounds of his whimpers. "OH IZUUKUUUU,'' Inko's voice rang out playfully. "COME ON OUT WHEREVER YOU ARE,'' 'Inko' shouted in the same tone of voice. Izuku put more pressure on his mouth, trying to mute his growing whimpers. Then suddenly the cabinet door was opened. ''tHErE YoU aRe,'' the voice from earlier, but more monstrous, said. However, when Izuku turned around no one was there. Instead, the body of the man whom he killed was in front of him. Izuku tried to back away, forgetting he was in a cabinet. "GET AWAY FROM ME,'' Izuku screamed. Suddenly he felt an object in his hand; he looked down to see the blood-stained knife that he used. Izuku screamed and threw the knife away from him, but it just reappeared in his hand. Izuku threw the knife once again but it kept on returning to his hand. "Why are you throwing it away,'' a monotone voice asked.

Izuku looked around and saw the dead body standing, blood flowing from the multiple stab wounds in his chest. "Aren't you going to keep stabbing me,'' it asked in the same monotone voice as its arm became the familiar black slime. The slimed arm then stretched and started to choke Izuku. The slime then grew and enveloped Izuku's body. "Please stop,'' Izuku pleaded as tears flowed from his eyes. "You didn't stop. Why should I.'' Izuku's eyes widened as the slime climbed up his face. Muffled screams rang out as the slime slowly wrapped around his face. Izuku could only feel terror, but soon enough the slime covered the last patch of his body, his right eye. Suddenly Izuku was in a pitch-black room, and in front of him was...well it was himself. Only his 'clone' had glowing white eyes. Izuku who was still terrified was now also confused. He slowly raised his hand to touch his clone, but it whispered,'' What are you going to do.'' Izuku retracted his hand, only now noticing that the knife was still in his hand.

His clone then turned into the hulking slimy brute from the apartment. In a monstrous voice, it asked, ''kIlL mE?" It then opened its mouth and bit down on Izuku's head.

Izuku gasped as he shot up from the bed. He brought his hands up, reaching for his face. He could feel the sweat on his face and he noticed his racing heart. He started taking deep breaths in an attempt to calm down. His heartbeat eventually returned to normal and he let his hands fall to his side. He took a few more deep breaths and turned to his side, seeing his still asleep sister snuggling with the British Blue kitten. His eyes then widened as he remembered the kitten he was sleeping with. He threw off his half of the quilt and sighed in relief when he saw the Seal Point Ragdoll kitten curled up at his legs. "How in the world did you get there?'' Izuku then gently pet the kitten with his index finger. He stayed there, petting the cat, and unbeknownst to him, he had a small smile. Eventually, he got thirsty and decided to get some water. He grabbed the kitten and placed it on the pillow he was using. ''You are not staying under the blanket,'' Izuku whispered as he pet the kitten one last time.

Izuku then exited the room. He walked to the kitchen and saw Aizawa eating a Konnyaku jelly drink. Izuku slowly walked up to him and asked, ''Do you have water?'' Aizawa was startled and quickly turned around. When Aizawa saw that it was just Izuku he sighed and said, ''Yeah. I do. Go take a seat, and I'll give you a glass of water.'' ''Thank you,'' Izuku said as he went to take a seat on a stool.

As Aizawa filled a glass with water he asked, ''What are you doing awake.'' "I had a nightmare and I got thirsty,'' Aizawa said nothing as he turned off the faucet and handed Izuku the glass. "Thank you,'' Izuku said once again as he drank all the water. ''Ahhhh,'' Izuku said in satisfaction, but soon enough he needed to use the restroom. "Where's the bathroom?" "First door on the left.'' Izuku got up and went to use the bathroom. After he finished, and after he finished washing his hands he splashed some water on his face. ''All right Izuku it was just a bad dream.'' Izuku then looked down at the sink and the water that was building up. He looked down and saw his reflection, but instead of seeing his real reflection, he saw his face splattered with blood, flesh, and parts of vomit.

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