"Good morning Mrs O'Hara" I say.

"Gwen you can just call me Erin. You don't have to call me Mrs O'hara like the others, I'm only gonna allow you to call me that." Erin says.

I nod and look down. Erin places her finger under my chin and lifts my chin up making me look at her.

"Is everything okay? I heard what happened, you parents have been calling me none stop. Where have you been?" Erin says. 

"Everything is fine. I gotta get to class." I say.

She goes to speak again but I walk away before she could say anything else.

I go to my locker, I put my backpack in. I grab the stuff I need for my classes today. I close my locker and go turn to to walk away but Brooklyn and her 2 friends are there.

"Stacy, what are you doing here? Your suspended." Brooklyn says.

"Not today Brooklyn." I say.

I turn, Lucy grabs me and shoved me into my locker. "I said fuck off. Im not in the mood for your shit right now." I say.

Brooklyn slaps me. "Hey Dipshit. I'm fucking talking to you don't be rude." Brooklyn says.

I break free from Lucy's grip and elbow her in the face. Lucy stumbles back and holds her nose. I punch Brooklyn in the face she stumbles back. I punch her again and again hitting her harder and harder. I grab her shirt and toss her into the lockers.

I grab my backpack. I leave school and walk back to the old abandoned building I was in before.  My phone pings letting me know I have a new notification.

I pull out my phone and see I have a text message from Erin.

Erin: Where did you go Gwen?

I swipe up and turn off my phone. I hear Sirens, I change into my spider suit and jump out the window. I web through the city following the fire trucks and police cars.

I see a building on fire. I web my way towards it.

"Someone get my baby!" A lady shouts.

"My little girl and little boy are still in there." A couple say.

I jump through a window into the burning building. The roof is caving in and the floors and ceiling is up in flames.

"Where are you?" I shout.

I hear a baby fussing. I go towards the sounds, I find the baby. It's a little boy, I pick him up and hold him against my chest to help shield him from the flames.

I jump out the window and carefully web myself down. I hand the little bit over to his mom and run back inside.

"Help!!" I hear a little kid shout.

"Where are you?!?" I shout.

"In a closet, I'm trapped please help!" They shout back.

I run up the stairs and run into a room. I spit the closet, I move everything out of the way and open the closet door.

I grab the kids. "Come here guys it's okay. I'm gonna get you out of here." I say.

I pick them up and leave the room. The stairs fall apart and I can't get back to the 1st floor.

The floor cracks and opens up. I quickly move the kids to the side and fall. I land on rumble and groan in pain.

I stand up as I hear laughing come from somewhere in the building. "The Itsy bitsy spider tried to get out. Out came the Goblin and took the spider out!"

Goblin runs at me and jumps up kneeing me in the face. I fly back and go through burning Wood and dry wall.

I see a hole in the ceiling, I web up. I grab the kids, I shoot a web downwards and help them climb down.

I shoot a web to go back up. Goblin catches it, he yanks me towards him, I fly through the window towards him he punches me in the face.

I fall to the ground. He picks me up and throws me through a walk. I get up, I shoot my web at him, I yank him towards me. He flies at me, I hit him in the chest with my arm. He does a back flip and falls to the ground.

I grab him by the foot, I toss him up into the ceiling, I jump on him as he's falling. I use my legs and push him down, we go through the floor and fall onto the first floor.

His glider comes at me. I catch it, I swing it around and hit him with his glider. He flies back, I grab one of his pumpkin bombs from his glider. I press the button and throw it at him.  It explodes and throws him out the window.

I jump out the window and web away leaving the burning building and Green Goblin. I web back to the abandoned building, I climb in through the window. I collapse onto the bed, I sigh and hold my ribs.

I take off my mask and suit. I put it in my backpack, I pack my bags and take a bus to New York.

I knock on the door, and the door opens


Spider-Gwen Where stories live. Discover now