"It's scary how much this sucks you in." "Kinda dark, but it's also somehow reassuring. I feel like I can finally get some sleep tonight thanks to this."

I'm glad, As long as my songs can help someone... As long as people can relate to them....

"Kanade, make sure you keep creating your own music."

"Dad... I have to keep making songs that can save people."

A sudden flash that shocked Kanade appeared. "Huh? What was.. My screen, it."

"...ly..." The computer tried to make out words. "What is this? Some kind of video? But I didn't click on anything." Kanade wondered and then computer tried again. "Co.... ly...." Kanade thought it sounds like its trying to say something "Come quickly...."

"I-Its gone. What was that? Come quickly? What's that supposed to mean?" Kanade asked no one in particular since she was alone in the room. "Anyways.." Lifting her finger, something was tied to her pinky. Everyone was born with it, and soon when they grow up. They meet their 'soulmate' Most people ignore them, because it was so called 'fate' they'll meet eventually. It's no use to acknowledge it everyday. 


"OWN.... Here they are. Looks like they've already got four songs." Kanade had searched the creator Enanan and Amia were talking about. "Yeah. I wonder what they're like. Why don't we give them a listen?" Yuki suggested. "This song..." Its like I can hear them screaming. It feels like they're all alone, drowning in a sea of despair. "Th-This sure is something else." Yuki stuttered, and Kanade muttered a "Yeah" But this sound.... This feeling... I feel like I've heard it before. "Just listening to the one song is kind of exhausting. I think I get what Enanan meant by it being overwhelming. What do you want to do , K? Should we listen to another..." 

"Hey, Yuki?" ... "Did you make this?" Kanade asked Yuki or.. Mafuyu. "What?" "It reminds me of the songs you used to write." Kanade asked but the response she got was silence for a while. "You think so? I don't really see it. Besides, I wouldn't know how to arrange sounds like these. I couldn't come up with such heavy lyrics either." 

"Its true, the lyrics are completely different than what you normally write, but still... This really wasn't you?" Mafuyu just laughed a bit and said "You doubting me this actually makes me more confident in my own work. Its really hard to believe I'd be mistaken for someone so popular." Kanade just said a quick sorry. "Don't worry about it. I'm just surprised you remember my old songs. It's been over a year since I wrote those." "Yeah, they really left an impression."

Mafuyu smiled, "I see. Its already been quite a while since we started chatting like this, hasn't it? I was really surprised to get a DM asking to make songs together from an account with zero followers and no profile picture. I thought it was spam at first." Mafuyu laughed a bit "After listening to your music, I knew I had to contact you right away, so I created an account on the spot." Kanade said quietly like she was a bit embarrassed. "It's fine. I'm happy you did. Time sure has flown, though. First Enanan joined, then Amia, and before long we even came up with a name I never imagined I'd be making songs with other people like this a year ago. So thanks for the invite, K." "It was nothing..." Kanade was quiet for a bit. "Hey, Yuki? Why did you agree to work with me?" "What? I guess because it sounded fun? Its not everyday you get a chance to make songs with a group. That and because I was really impressed the first time I listened to your songs. At the time, I..."

"I felt like your songs saved me."

"Huh? Saved?"

"Huh? S-Sorry, that sounded strange, didn't it? Maybe we should get back to work. It'll be morning soon." Mafuyu quickly said, so Kanade agreed. "All right, I'll talk to you later, then." "Mafuyu wait--" Mafuyu quickly left leaving Kanade alone. "So.. I actually managed to save someone with my songs. I'm so glad" But Kanade still wanted to ask Mafuyu about something. The red string of fate.


"I was saved? What was I thinking?" Mafuyu started talking to herself. "OWN..."

"Whenever I listen to OWN's music, I feel like I'm being sucked into some other place."
"There's something wrong with whoever made these. I wonder who it is."
"Listening to these makes me want to disappear, but I just can't seem to stop. So strange." 

"Lame... Even after making all these, I still can't find what I'm looking for. If that's the case, then.."

Red string of death. Mafuyu x KanadeWhere stories live. Discover now