Chapter 1

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Izuku laid on his back staring at the sealing, bored out of his mind.

He has been a baby for three months now and it's been pretty nice. You know all you have to do as a baby is eat, drink, and sleep but after three months it gets boring.

He has tried sitting up, or crawling but it's just so much work. He decided to take a break for a bit and allow himself to be coddled... Lucky he sleeps most of the time so it passes fast, but he hasn't been able to write anything. Read anything. Do, anything! He hates it, and there is nothing he can do about it.

His mother walks into his room, she looks down on izuku and let's out coo's and aw's. His mother looks just like his other one, exept she is mentally stable and loves him.

Izuku loves his mom she brings him so much joy, he can't help but laugh whenever she talks to him. His father is also vary loving, he always wants to hold izuku and pouts whenever Inko doesn't let him. Inko just tells Hisashi to suck it up because it's her turn.

He never got this much effection from his old parents, fuck his dad wasn't even in the picture! Maybe... Izuku can't really remember, but that doesn't matter he's happy now.

Sometimes he misses Aizawa, and Mic, and Shinsou, and Eri... Fuck he misses everyone. But he is happy they are all safe now and hopes they are living a better life.

Izuku sacrificed so much in his last life, and he could care less. He loves how his life was, and maybe he will do something with this life.

Maybe he will be a vigilante again, or join UA legally. Maybe he will be a normal law abiding citizen! Maybe... Old habits die hard, ok?

Wait do they even have quirks here?!

Izuku was running around the house, him and his dad where playing hide and seek. His mom was at work right now she works as a graphic designer for some high end company, well his dad is a fashion designer.

He thinks there jobs are cool, and his dad helps him pick out awesome outfits. And every year his mom redesigns his room!

There is never any all might themed items in his room, or any hero merch at all.

He is three now and has found out that yes there are quirks but only 47% of the population gets them, and they aren't called quirks there called abilities witch is weird he always has to correct himself.

Izuku runs up the stairs being as quiet and quick as he can, he was able to study where the steps will crack and still remember how to run silently from his last life.

He trained tirelessly in his last life and drilled his combat/stealth knowledge into his brain, he's pretty rusty but luckily his parents aren't murderous villains out for his head!

He sneaks into his parents room and goes straight for the wardrobe, he grabs one of his dad's black turtle neck hoodies and sits in the darkest part of the room.

Listening closely he hears his dad's foot steps as he walks up the stairs, that's when izuku realizes a fatal mistake that could be his downfall. He left the doors open.

Mentally scolding himself for such a rookie mistake he listens as his dad enters the room, Izuku has a mini argument with himself trying to decide to take the loss with pride or not.

The door opens letting the light seep into the room, his dad doesn't turn on the light as he walks in. He starts looking around the room for any sighs that his child is here.

"Hmm I can't seem to find izuku, where ever could he be?" He asks in a almost mocking tone of voice.

He walks around for a bit then leaves the room, izuku let's out a sigh of relief. But then the clothes was pulled back faster then lighting and he was already in the arms of his father.

He let's out a scream of terror as his dad holds him in the air.

"Noo not fair, I bet you cheated!" Izuku laughs out as his dad starts tickling him.

"No you left the doors open, rookie mistake" his dad says what izuku his thinking, he let's out an annoyed huff as his dad carries him down the stairs.

"Can we play one more round?" Izuku asks looking at his dad with big eyes.

"No sadly not, it's time for you to do your homework" his parents realized really fast that izuku was smarter then most kids his age and thought it would be a better idea for him to be homeschooled.

His dad sits him in a chair and pulls out some English books, he is good at math and science but he hates English.

"I'd rather learn something I can actually use in the real world... Like Morse code!" Izuku looks at his dad with a big smile.

"Oh? And what would you use Morse code for in the real world" his dad looks down at him smiling.

"Everything! It's so cool to! Please can we learn it? Please!" Izuku starts begging his dad grabbing his slave and shaking it as hard as his little arms could.

"Sure, but only if you pass the next three English tests" the expectations are high, but izuku craves to learn knowledge he doesn't already know.

"Deal" his dad laughs at his enthusiasm as izuku starts going through his English work faster then ever.

His parents don't question how smart izuku is, or how he is able to do things most if not all 3 year olds can't do. They just help him learn and grow in ways he needed.

They are a happy family in a world of powers, none of them have powers but they could care less. In a society where powers it can be dangerous, lots of people are scared of what they can do.

But the Midoriyas couldn't give a shit, izuku is going to make sure his family stays whole and happy or he's going to start destroying shit. And not even the time goddess can stop him.

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