Chapter 50 - Live radio show

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Selvaggia's POV:

Tonight's going to be my talk show and this time it's going to be live on TV too, I have no idea why.

I don't feel okay for this, but it's my job so I have to do this... It's my job after all and I always loved it and I still do... I just miss Diego...

I wonder if he thinks about me as much as I'm thinking about him in the past few months.

I miss him from near me...

I made a huge mistake by believing to anyone else instead of Diego and going with Laerte when I knew it's not going to end well...

But I made the mistake and I can't take it back... Even though I really want to.

----- TIME SKIP -----

Early evening I was getting ready at home when I saw I got a text from Diego:

"Good luck for tonight's show! You'll be amazing as always!"

- Diego... - I sighed deeply as I put my phone away before finishing getting ready and soon leave my house.

----- TIME SKIP -----

As I arrived to the studio a happy Fabio greeted me at the entrance...

- Selvaggia!

- Hey!

- Are you ready for the show?

- Yes! But why are you so excited now? We have always been live on radio...

- I know, but this is the first time that we're live on TV!

- True...

But I still don't understand why is he so happy now.

Or maybe I'm the one being so depressed all the time and this is why he's weird to me... I don't know...

But he's a good friend and I love him for it...

----- TIME SKIP -----

We're about to start and I'm already in place, but I have no idea where Fabio is!

- Where is he?! - I asked the camera man as I knew that they're good friends.

- He said he needs to talk to someone before starting, but he should be here in a few minutes - he replied awkwardly which was a bit suspicious to me.

- I'm right here! - I suddenly heard him beind me - Let's start!

----- TIME SKIP -----

- Now... I didn't tell you this earlier Selvaggia, but we have a special guest for tonight! - said Fabio, grinning at me.

- Who? And why are you being so mysterious?! - I snapped, getting more and more desperate to know who's he talking about.

But deep down I already knew who is he talking.

Then he stepped in...

- D-Diego...

Diego's POV:

It's finally my time to come and surprise her.

I was so nervous, but when I saw her face as I walked in all my nervousness flew away instantly...

- D-Diego... - she stuttered.

- Nice to see you again, beautiful - I smiled warmly at her.

She was staring at me for a few seconds before she started crying and hugged me tightly.

- Diego! - she cried - Diegoo...

- Sssshh... Don't cry - I said while still hugging her close to me - I came here for you...

- For me? - she stuttered.

- Yes... - I smiled at her before letting go of her and stepping back once - And I have something to ask from you... Right here... Right now...

- W-What is it?

I took a deep breath, checked over to the camera man who already changed on the camera's angle so they can see me then I got on one knee...

- Selvaggia Lucarelli... You're my everything... The love of my life... I love you so much... Since the first time I saw you on Priscilla's premier... And since then I knew that this is something I'll do sooner, or later...

By now she was totally frozen and didn't know if she should cry, or she should... I don't know what was in her mind at the moment...

Then I took out the ring I bought for her...

- Would you give me the pleasure and spend the rest of your life with me?

Love and more complications {Diegia}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu