Chapter 2

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"Cecilia. Lia, hello..." I notice a hand wave in front of my face which brings me to my senses. I shake my head and look at the owner of the hand.

"Amber, I think I'm going to die. Can you write 'Boy with dreads killed her' on my grave?" I'm practically fainting.

Amber squeaks in excitement. She usually doesn't see me like this, crushing on boys and stuff. This is all new to her. "I am so freaking excited! Lets go talk to him." She drags me from my arm and starts marching towards the dreadlock God.

I stop in my tracks, not letting her take me away, "Hey hey! Just cause I have a crush doesn't mean I'm gonna suddenly gain confidence and talk to the guy." I take a peak at him again. What? I can't stop myself! He's too attractive. Well to my eyes he is.

I think I'm drooling.


Am I really drooling?

I check my mouth just to make sure I'm not. I don't want to embarrass myself on the first day of school! Those days are coming, but I don't want it to be today.

"What, why? Common you can do this. You're never like this so lets make the best of it." Amber smiles sheepishly. She looks cute but it still makes me want to slap the Louis Vuitton out of her.

"I can't, I won't and I'll never gain the confidence to talk to that majestic person standing over there. He's too powerful, I bet he has superpowers like playing the guitar"

Okay, I admit I may be exaggerating a tinsy bit, ok a lot, but that's what he looks like in my eyes. A God. A gift.


"Agh, saved by the bell, but I promise you I'll be hunting you down during lunchtime and I will find you, so don't you think for a second you could go and hide that little butt of yours anywhere" my best friend practically threatens me.

"That is my decision young lady" I chimmer.

"Ew, what the hell Lia, my mother calls me that. Ew, no, don't you ever say that again. Like Ever."

"Okay okay fine, young lady." I smirk, what do I have to lose anyway.

"Oh you're so going down during lunchtime missy." she flashes her evil grin at me which makes me growl at her.

  I watch as dreadlock guy pushes himself off of the car and start strolling towards the school doors with his bag slung on one of his shoulders.

Can he seriously get any hotter?

Am I drooling again?

I can't help but stare at the guy. I think I'm gonna have vision problems.

As we make your way to our lockers, which are next to each other, Amber starts telling me about her summer. I open my not-so-decorated locker and put my books inside, keeping the one I need for first class in my bag.

"So, he asked me out on a date and I said no, like seriously? Me, on a date, with a player? No thanks!" Amber says, "Cecilia, are you even listening?"

"Huh? Oh sorry, I wasn't"

"Thinking about dreamy boy are we?" she smirks at me and I can't help but smile which makes her smile even wider like she was the one with the crush, and hugs me tight, too tight.

Amber keeps her arm around me as we make our way to first class, which we luckily have together. Biology.

We walk in and take our usual seats, at the middle, as we greet our teacher.

I get my books out as the class fills up and that's when I feel a nudge on my side.

I look up at Amber in annoyance and she points at the person walking in our class with his hands in his pockets and head hung low.

"Good morning Mr. Mathews" our Biology teacher looks at Mr dreadlocks, who nods and walks at the back of the class, passing from next to me which gives me the urge to smell him, and he smells ecstatic.

Okay I know you might think I'm weird smelling the guy, but hey, all of us look for something and I seem to smell hot guys while they pass by me.

"Okay class, now that our class is full, I'm going to start with the name call. Adam Toddler"


"Agatha Johnson"


"Amber Smith"


The list goes on, when

"Stephen Mathews"

"Here" the words barely leave his mouth as he raises his hand and I can't help but look at him.

I really like this boy. I like Stephen Mathews. I need Stephen. I need Mr. Dreadlocks. 

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