"So what dress are you going with tonight?" Questioned Beau, breaking Mabel out of her thoughts.

"Oh I was thinking the Chanel black one? It's really simple but I like it." She sighed.

"Absolutely not- you have to wear the red YSL with the slits up the side. It's incredible."

"Don't you think it's a bit revealing?" She chuckled.

"Mabel, you've got the hottest body ever, I don't see why you insist on covering it. She will wear the YSL." Beau nodded to the wardrobe designer. The designer nodded and grabbed the dress holding it before Mabel signalling her to change. Mabel sighed and stood up taking the dress. "Thanks Tara" she smiled to the girl.

Mabel quickly slipped her robe off and pulled the dress quickly up her body as Tara zipped the back up and sorted all the straps. Mabel looked at her reflection baffled by the sight. The front was a low cut and she was incredibly worried she'd make one wrong move and flash the entire red carpet.

Beau wolf whistled at Mabel.

"You look hot girl"

Mabel felt her cheeks flush in embarrassment as she rolled her eyes at Beaus overreaction.

"You realise you're creasing your dress right?" Mabel laughed to beau. Beau was sat comfortably on the bed with her dress scrunched up. She simply shrugged at Mabel as Tara's eyes met the dress with a shocked look as she grabbed the steamer.

"Up, now Beau" Tara demanded. Beau obliged and got up allowing Tara to steam the creases from her dress.

"So I was thinking we should go into the street and get some good pictures. We are in Paris after all, the streets are gorgeous."

"What about paparazzi?" Mabel giggled at Beau's insane idea.

"They're all at the premier I'm sure we'll be fine for a few minutes!" Beau hushed grabbing Mabel's hand and pulling her out of the hotel room.

The girls ran out the hotel hand in hand laughing, Mabel was surprised that despite running in their heels neither of them lost balance. It had taken Mabel a long time to properly laugh again after Joe, she felt like her world ended that day, she had to build herself up a lot to return to enjoying herself. In that moment her mind flickered to her and Joe running along the beach laughing at each other. Her face fell at the memory as they opened the door to the hotel, Beau noticed the girls facial expression completely change as it had done so often throughout the girls year long friendship. She never pressed Mabel to tell her what's on her mind, because she knew better than to make someone discuss something they didn't want to.

"Earth to Mabel, stand in the centre and I'll snap a few pictures" beau directed. Mabel faked a smile and stood where she was told and watched as Beau knelt to the ground to get the best angles. Mabel's mind once again went to Joe and his face when he was on one knee in her bedroom, ring in hand. She wasn't sure why today of all days the memories were flooding back, it wasn't a significant day but her head was stuck on him.

"You have got to post this one Mabel it's incredible" Beau gushed showing Mabel the picture. Mabel agreed she'd post it after the premier. Beau handed her phone to Mabel to take some pictures of her- which she did very quickly and the pair headed back to the hotel lobby to wait for their car to arrive to take them to the premier. Mabel fiddled with her hands as she thought about Joe, she wondered if he was thinking of her, there's often a saying that when you're thinking or dreaming of someone, it's because they're doing the same. Mabel wasn't sure if this comforted her or concerned her.

"Okay so my boyfriend is running late so he's just going to meet us there. You'll love him Mabel! I think you two are honestly so similar so you will get along great! I just know it." She beamed. Mabel nodded, she wasn't sure what Beau meant by that because every man she'd ever taken home was, well, the complete opposite of Mabel so she was shocked to hear Beau was dating someone similar at all.

More Issues- Joseph Quinn (sequel to Daddy Issues) Where stories live. Discover now