Vodka redbull?

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Mabel sat at her make up desk getting her hair done for the premier while she re-read her copy of Our Mutual friend.

"Okay so, I have convinced my boyfriend to attend tonight!" Squealed Beau. Her Australian accent was quite thick

Beau was Mabel's costume designer she'd worked with for the past year, the pair had gotten close due to being similar in age and had spent the year having movie nights, shopping trips and heart to hearts. Mabel never told Beau about Joseph, even though it'd been a year Mabel felt the situation was too fresh to discuss. The mention of his name was enough to make her body shut down so due to Mabel deleting all the evidence of her and Joe dating and Joe deleting all social media after the break up, she got away with simply saying she hadn't dated anyone in a long time. It was as if their relationship never happened.

"Mabel?" Beau chimed snapping her fingers.

"Oh sorry, boyfriend?" She asked putting her book down.

"Yeah he's my new boyfriend, remember we met when I went to Georgia last month!" She chimed. "He's so gorgeous, I can't wait for you to meet him"

"I swear you talk about a new man every month Beau, excuse me for forgetting the millionth person you've talked about" Mabel teases

"This one is different, I really like him!" She squealed.

"Well then I can't wait to meet him. I'll hurt him if he hurts you" Mabel laughed.

"Oh I will ask you to hurt him if he does"

Beau sat down on the bed in Mabel's hotel room watching Mabel get her hair done. She was always envious of her beautiful features but she kept it to herself.

"Sooo whatcha reading?" She asked Mabel.

"Our mutual friend"

"Is it good?"

"Amazing- you should read it sometime"

"No thanks, reading is not something I enjoy" she laughed shaking her head.

Mabel and Beau were polar opposites but they got along so well, Mabel was sure that was part of the reason why they got along so well.
Beau liked adrenaline chasing, nightclubs and constantly travelling around the world, while Mabel liked reading, staying in and familiar surroundings. Mabel often sees Beau as the old version of herself, she'd seen her take multiple men back to their shared apartment and then never see them again. She thought this was another reason she felt protective of her, because she used to be the same.

Since Joe, Mabel had opted for a simple and quiet life. She didn't drink anymore because for the first few months after Joe, it's all she did, every day, every night. It was Kristen who got her to stop in the end, she hated living across the world from her, she missed her incredibly that Kristen decided to up and move to Australia until Mabel was done filming. This meant the baby was born is Australia with Mabel gladly in the room. Kristen had informed Mabel if she didn't stop the drinking, she wouldn't be there for the birth or her growing up, this is what changed Mabel's entire outlook.

Kristen called her baby Rosie, Mabel being her middle name. Every chance or free break Mabel got was spent with Rosie, she wanted to be better for her. Kristen had tried to bring Joe up in conversation which always resulted in Mabel leaving of changing the topic completely, Kristen saw the pain in Mabel's eyes every time his name was mentioned but Mabel would never give in.

Joes parent kept in touch regularly checking in on Mabel, she knew they wanted to remain neutral but she was aware they obviously were going to support Joe more. They wouldn't never say anything to Mabel about this, but she knew and understood- he was their son while she was simply someone who was in their life briefly. They always invited her to everything family related but she politely declined on the terms of it just being too fresh she didn't think she'd cope. She'd asked about him a few times and they simply said he was busy filming most of the time, she could tell they didn't want to tell her anything about his emotional state in concern it would upset her.

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