Chapter 25- The Wand of Oblivium

Start from the beginning

Mom lets out a small gasp at my confrontation. The king's strong gaze melts away and is replaced by surprise. He opens his mouth to say something but closes it again, clearly at a loss for words. He repeats the motion a couple more times like a fish. "(Yn), I-"

The doors to the throne room fly open. I quickly jolt around and gasp in horror.

"Well well're just the royals I was looking for."

A pit fell into my stomach when I see none other than Andrew standing in the doorway surrounded by a group of Saporians. Andrew mockingly bows to my father. "How lovely to see you again, your highness."

I growl. "Andrew..."

The king quickly points a finger at the group. "Guards!! Seize them!!" His deep and powerful voice echoes throughout the room.

Andrew only chuckles. "I'm afraid your guards won't be of much help..."

"What are you talking about?"

One of the Saporian women kicks the throne room doors open a little bit wider, revealing a pile of guards who were out cold. She laughs at the sight. "It was almost too easy."

Mom gravitates closer to her husband and he holds her close. "What do you want?"

"Oh, nothing much." Andrew glances at his gang and they chuckle lowly. "Just the entire kingdom."

I quickly get into one of the fighting stances Cassandra taught me. "I won't let you do that."

The Saporians burst into a fit of laughter. "You? A little princess? What are you gonna do to stop us?"

"Just watch and find out," I mutter under my breath, already clenching my hands into fists.

Before I can do anything, a muscular Separatist covered in tattoos grabs me and holds my hands behind my back. I attempt to wiggle out of his strong grasp but fail. He slyly smirks at me. "Nice try, princess."

Andrew steps towards my parents. "Let me enlighten you with a brief history lesson. After our leader betrayed us and fell in love with the enemy, many of the Saporians still believed Corona rightfully belonged to Saporia. Thus, the Separatists of Saporia were formed. We've waited in the shadows for centuries waiting for the perfect moment. As it turns out, we were only missing one thing."

A puff of pink smoke explodes in the doorframe, and Varian emerges, wearing the long black coat from the ball. He was clad in leather gloves, and boots and a red bandanna hung around his neck. The only article of clothing that was the same was the goggles his mom gave him.

I let out a small gasp, not fully believing what my eyes were showing me. "Varian..?'re working with them?" Tears prick the corners of my eyes. After everything we've been through, all of these months trying to repair the battle wounds of Old Corona, Varian still chose evil. I can't believe I was stupid enough to believe that he changed. The real Varian is gone forever...

Varian notices my tears. For a split second, I notice something flash across his eyes. Guilt, sadness, regret. I couldn't tell. He quickly shakes it off. "I had no choice. You saw what happened at the ball, (Yn)! The people of Corona will never...they'll never forgive me."

Andrew wraps his arm around Varian's shoulder. "Varian here was the missing piece. With his help, we were able to perfect our takeover plan. This kingdom didn't see his potential or worth, but we do." Andrew pats Varian on the back. Varian smiles ever-so-slightly at Andrew's approval. My heart breaks at this. Varian was so desperate for the approval and recognition of others that he was willing to side with villains if that's what it would take to get it.

"You won't get away with this! We'll stop you!" The king warns.

Andrew laughs. "I doubt it." He snaps his fingers and a short old woman wearing an ugly blue beanie pulls a wand out of her sleeve. She aims it at my parents, and in one fell swoop, red energy shoots from the wand and at the king and queen's heads. They fall backward with an ugly-sounding thud. I gasp in horror.

I can only helplessly watch as my parents are zapped with who knows what. I kick my legs at the Saporian who was holding me in a fit of rage and panic. "STOP!!! LET ME GO!!" The tears break free and pour out of my (ec) eyes. "What did you do to them?!?" I demand.

The old woman chuckles. "Oh, nothing much. I simply erased their memories."

I gasp. The Wand of memories flash to one of the letters Rapunzel sent me about the ancient Saporian artifact that could alter or erase memories. I feel a bad feeling sink into the pit of my stomach. " would you do this?"

"Now that your precious parents can't remember anything, they'll be the perfect pawns in our game." The woman sneers. "Control the leaders, control the people." She traces her fingers along the wooden wand as she speaks. "The only thing we have to take care of now is you."

My heart stops as she raises the wand in the air. No no no no no..this can't be the end...can it? I don't want to forget everything...not my parents, not Rapunzel, not...Varian. I look at Varian with desperate eyes.

Our eyes lock.

Before my mind can be wiped, Varian quickly dashes in between me and the wand, spreading his arms out wide.

My thoughts flash back to the Snuggly Duckling.

I gasp as Varian quickly leaps in between the ghost and me, and spreads his arms out in front of me. He tries to create a defensive stance, and eyes down Ruth. "Don't even think about hurting her!" He warns. "If you take another step-er-float any closer, y-you'll be sorry!"

I place my hand on Varian's shoulder. "Var, what are you doing?" I whisper.

"You didn't think I'd ditch you, did you? You're my best friend, I'm not going to let anything happen to you." Varian gives me a small smile.


The woman-or I suppose "Clementine"-lowers her wand when she sees Varian in her way. "What are you doing, boy?"

" can't hit her!!"

Clementine's wrinkly eyes narrow. "Why not?"

"B-Because...she can of use to us!!" Varian quickly exclaims. "Think about it, (Yn)'s been trapped in this castle her whole life! She knows all of its secrets better than anyone! If you erase her memories...we won't have access to the secret passages and escapes hidden in these walls!"

I feel confusion well up inside me, but I don't say anything. Why would Varian be trying to save me? It doesn't make any sense...

Clementine looks to Andrew for his response and he strokes his beard thoughtfully. "The kid makes a good point. Secret passages aren't a bad idea." He looks at me, then Varian, and then Clementine. "Spare her. But lock her in the dungeons. I don't need some pesky princess getting in my way."

Varian and I breathe a joined sigh of relief.

Andrew nods at my captor. "Take her away."

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