1. Carly Rae Adele-Jepsen Lucifer III

189 14 24

Momo, as a policy, doesn't judge. It's simply not her place, and to think otherwise would be hubris. Who is she to hold a strong or upstanding opinion on a life that isn't hers, a story she plays little part in? She isn't a god, she isn't even someone who holds any ounce of authority beyond her prowess and prestige as a public guardian.

And matters of the heart are something you can't look up in any book, that follow no laws or even concrete rules, so these especially land outside her radar.

However - and there's always an exception to every fact or proclamation, no matter how certain they may seem - there are times when the sheer lunacy of a particular person or situation seems to slip past her denfses.

"Date me?"

Momo stares across the table at her friend of many years and contemplated exactly how they ended up in this particular situation.

"Katsuki, we talked about making it more obvious when you're joking, right?"

Bakugou looks offended at the mere motion that he might be joking, nose scrunching, the right side of his lip twitching in the way that says he's holding in an outburst - he's gotten a lot better at that. Knuckles blanching around the porcelain cup in his hands, he takes what seems to be a very unsatisfying deep breath before continuing,

"I'm not joking about this, Momo." Oh so he's serious? He never actually calls her by her name unless he's being serious.

Momo bites at the inside of her cheek - but why? Bakugou had never expressed romantic interest in her since their one, awkward kiss during spin the bottle at Sero's birthday party back when they were teenagers. And it's not like him at all to be spontaneous with feelings. If there's anything Momo knows about Katsuki Bakugou, it's that his emotions need time to build into something he can clearly label, otherwise he doesn't even entertain the idea of having them.

So why...

"Could you please explain further?" She tries her best not to sound too robotic - Bakugou once told her he hated how she sounded like some sort of hostess bot, polite to a fault and locking away her opinions.

"Eijirou wants to get everyone together this Friday." Oh yeah, Momo heard about that. She often sees her friends separately, but it would be lovely to have them all gathered on one place once again. In fact, she'd been planning on going anyway. Though she's not quite sure why Bakugou feels the need to bring that into the equation- "To show off his fiancée."

Oh. Now that part she didn't know.

In fact, she didn't know Kirishima was dating at all. Since his and Bakugou's mutual decision to remain friends after a turbulent month of trying romance on for size, the redhead had only taken one lover to Momo's knowledge, and they didn't exactly...last.

Though she supposes there isn't necessarily a reason she would know about the complex inner-workings of her high school friend's love lives...

"A fiancé...?" She murmurs, the words feeling strange on her tongue. "I didn't even know he was dating. Why didn't he mention that in the invite?"

Bakugou looks pained when he spares a glance out the window of the coffee shop to the dreary day outside - Momo hurts for him.

They may have broken up, if you really want to call it that, but Momo knows... She knows that Bakugou never really stopped...feeling for Kirishima, even if he hides those feelings under a layer of nonchalance and apathy thick enough to drive away even the most well-intentioned hearts.

But she also knows that it isn't her place to pass judgment on the state of their relationship. That's for them to figure out and her to support, so instead she drives the conversation back toward the topic at hand,

i do? - kiribakuOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant