carry me

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Kakashi's not sure what to do. For the first time in a very long time he is completely paralyzed with fear. No. Is it truly fear? He was apart of the ANBU for a long time. He was a sensei. He encountered countless life or death situations, died once and came back among other horrors. There's no way something like this should scare him.

He's staring at the body of his student, unmoving in the destruction of the valley of the end.

"Naruto!" He exclaimed, collapsing next to the bloody body.

It would be an understatement to say that Naruto had blood on him. He had looked as if every ounce of his own being and then some was poured out onto the ground surrounding him. His dominant arm from slightly above the elbow down was gone, a growing pool of blood forming beneath the stub.

"S-sensei" Naruto managed to mutter. He was still alive.

"Naruto, stay with me!" Kakashi wasn't sure what he was suppose to do.

So many times he had to save himself or those closest to him after a fight, but it was as if all of his training had just went out the window. What was happening to him? Why is his body choosing now of all times to shut down and panic?

Something deep within the pit of his stomach told him that these injuries his student had sustained were far too grave. His skin was practically translucent, reminding the older male of thin paper. If he tried to pick him up would he crumple? His breathing was short and raspy, as if his lungs were slowly collapsing. Worst of all was the lack of chakra radiating from Naruto.

Kakashi didn't want to think it, but he can feel it deep down within himself.

"Naruto I need to get you to Tsunade." She was the only one who could stand a chance of healing. Even her student Sakura could probably do something for Naruto.

Be realistic. He tried to shut out that part of him, but it was so hard to ignore the truth.

"Kakashi-i" he sharply inhaled, warning Kakashi that he didn't have much time left.

What was he to do?

Kakashi could feel his chest tightening and his eyes burning. He didn't have his sharingan and even if he did there wasn't any way he could get to Tsunade fast enough. At the rate Naruto was bleeding out he would only have a few minutes, maybe 10 max. That's if God was on his side.

Ha. God being on his side. How ironic.

"Naruto, everything will be alright. I've got you" Kakashi assured him, taking a seat next to his student.

Carefully, Kakashi raised the boy's head which had caused Naruto to wince in pain, slowly lowering it into his lap. If Kakashi could take all his pain away he would do it in a heart beat. If God would allow them to trade places, allow for Naruto to get another chance at life, without question he'd do it.

"Sasu-" Naruto was still concerned with his friend even after all of this.

Kakashi tried to not feel angry with Sasuke for doing this. He knew that Naruto was going to bring Sasuke back at any cost. Sasuke may have helped them win the war, but he would not be forgiven for what he had done to Naruto.

"Shhh you don't need to worry about him, I've got you" Kakashi wiped the blood from Naruto's face the best he could.

Even as he lay there in what Kakashi could only imagine as the worst pain, both physical and emotional, he looked so peaceful. His blond hair was matted with blood and dirt, his lips busted, both is his eyes swelling shut and black. Blood, bruises and cuts littered his body.

No matter all of that, he was still beautiful.

"Naruto, you're a hero" his voice caught in his throat, "of the village and the world."

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