Shinichiro Ending

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Shinichiro snickered, "still bitter, I see, huh?" He then sighed, "Waka, I know you love (y/n) too but she chose me. I would never disregard your feelings as if they didn't exist."

Wakasa chuckled, "dude, I long accepted our princess chose you. I'm not upset, honestly." He then sighed, gazing at the ceiling with a thoughtful look, "It's just a bitter pill to swallow since my feelings weren't returned is what it is."

Shinichiro eyed his friend skeptically before sighing and returning to his work, "if you say so, Waka."


Shinichiro hissed through his teeth as (Y/n) lightly pressed the soaked cotton ball against his wound, the alcohol stinging his cheek as he felt a small throbbing.

"Shin, how many times do I have to tell you not to get into fights? I don't want to see you hurt. Besides, I could've easily used my powers on them." The (h/c)-ette heaved a sigh, shaking her head in disbelief.

Earlier, the two of them were on a picnic date. Shin had prepared everything from the meals to the destination. In fact, he was more excited about it than his own girlfriend was because he had dreamed of taking the (h/c)-ette to so many places once if they were to become a couple.

Anyways, he led them a nice park he had been scouring in Shibuya for. It was perfect for the summer heat since he found a wooden table under a shade of trees. Lucky!

"You actually prepared all of this?" (Y/n) held an amazed look as she surveyed all the dishes he brought before looking at him.

Shinichiro chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his head. He averted his eyes to the side bashfully, "I tried to make the first batch myself since I wanted to cook for you, but I almost burnt our kitchen so Emma decided to help me." He sheepishly admitted.

(Y/n) chuckled, taking out the plates and cutlery from the picnic basket and setting them down on the wooden table before serving herself and him the delicious food, "It's alright, I'm not that great of a cook either but that's what the internet is for, yeah?"

Shin laughed, giving her soft eyes. He couldn't express how he felt. It was like being on cloud nine. For so long, he ached to have a girlfriend, a significant other to spend time with and enjoy life with but they all turned him down. Now, it seems like all his waiting has paid off and he couldn't be more happier.

Obsidian eyes stared lovingly at the (h/c)-ette, watching mesmerized as the wind softly blew her lush locks and her eyes shining as it reflected the sun. She looked spectacular in her skirt and blouse.

His hand suddenly reached out, touching the side of her head gently before pulling back and revealing a flower petal, "Got a little something on your hair." He smiled at her.

(Y/n) flicked his nose, turning away with her cheeks pink. "So, how's your shop going?" She cleared her throat, glancing at him through her lashes as she ate her potato salad.

Shin smiled, drinking his beverage, "It's going great. Izana and me are actually one of the top motorbike stores and we've been getting lots of customers lately so it's been pretty busy all last week." He hummed.

(Y/n) opened her mouth to say something when cocky laughter was heard and footsteps were approaching them, "Well, lookie here. If it isn't Black Dragon's former leader. Remember me? Your pathetic gang destroyed my own years ago and let's just say, I haven't gotten over it quite yet." The man sneered at Shinichiro.

Shinichiro stood up with a frown on his face, clenching his fists, "I apologize for that, but you were the one who initiated the fight with us and trespassed in our territory." He spoke in a calm and leveled voice, though internally he was upset because his date with (Y/n) got ruined. "Besides, that was years ago. It's better to forget the past and move on to better things." He finished.

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