Some Assembly Required

Start from the beginning

Right know the paladins are in the deck. Their were in a circle, as Coran tells them through the com.
"Okay list up you guys. The paladin code demands you put your own team safety above your own."
As small drones appeared around them. "A swarm of drones is about to attack. It's up to you each of you to do everything to protect the other members of your team."
Kora activated her shield ready, to defend her team. And the drones started firing at them. Kora used her shield to block the lazer.
Hunk he docked out of the way from a lazer, and the lazer hit Pidge.
And Pidge disappeared through the ground.
"Protect your teammates, or no one will be their to protect you." Coran shouted. As a lazer hit Hunk, making Hunk disappear through the floor to.
Kora blocked a lazer that almost hit her brother. "You keeping up Keith." Lance asked as he block some blazers fires. "Just concentrate on keeping me safe." Keith told Lance.
Making Kora groan, but she still did not drop her guard. "Me, I own this drill. You're the one who needs to concentrate." Lance said, taking his eyes off the drones. "Lance eyes in front of you." Kora told Lance, as she blocks another.
But then a drone shots at Lance foot, making him disappear through the floor. And Keith got hit to, and disappeared to. So it was just Kora and Shiro.
Then Shiro got hit and he disappeared. So it was just Kora, she blocked the fires with her shield and dodges fire from behind her. After a minute, Kora was finally hit. Then she disappeared through the floor.
The next challenge was a in invisible maze. The two teammates must work together. One in the maze and one direction them thought the maze.
Lance and Keith had a lot of trouble.
And Kora and Pidge did great with theirs.
So right know everyone are in their lions. Their are exercising with the bonds with their lions.
"Everyone, put your lions into a nose dive." Coran told them over the com.
Kora drove her lion into a nose dive. "This is an expert-level drill that shouldn't attempt until you've been Flying for years. But we're in a bit of a rush, so here we go. Activated Training helmets."
Kora wonder in what Coran means by that. Then everything went dark. "Huh." Kora said confused.
"Coran, what's happening. I can't see" Lance cried out.
"You must learn to see through your lions eyes. The goal is to pull up right before you crash into the ground. Feel what the lions feels." Coran explained.
Hunk was the first one to pull out.
Then Lance and Keith challenged each other to race to the ground, but they crashed into the ground. And Pidge she panicked and pulled back. And hits crashed a near by cliff.
Kora and Shiro are the only ones left.
Kora closed her eyes, and opened to see purple eyes. Then she pulled up, and fly throughout the canyon. So did Shiro.
"Excellent, Kora and Shiro." Coran told the two.
"Great job purple, and thanks for the help." Kora said, as she rubs the panel of her lion. The Purple lion purrs, at her paladin.
Everyone was in the training deck. They sat in a circle and wearing head gear, on their head.
"The most important part of paladin training is being able to meld your minds and focus on one thing. Voltron, everything else has to fade away." Coran explained, as everyone closed their eyes and started to focus.
Kora image came up, it was of her, Keith and their dad in front of their farm. Keith image of the shack, he and Kora live at. "This technique will be essential every time you form Voltron."
Lance was image was of his family. And Hunk image was about food. "Come on, everyone, clear everything." Pidge image was of her and her brother Matt.
And Shiro image was the Galaxy Garrison.
"Now, focus on forming your lion."
Everyone, but Pidge had their lion form. "Bring your lion's together and form Voltron." Kora had her wings form on Voltron.
And keith told Pidge. "Pidge, stop thinking of your girlfriend." Kora glared at Keith. "I wasn't, Hunk was rooting in my head." Pidge said.
"I thought we were open. You can look in my head hole."  Hunk told Pidge.
"Everyone has to be able to look in everybody's head hole." Coran said. "Clear your minds."
Everyone did it again. Everyone was building Voltron. But Pidge image of her and Matt came up again.
"Pidge." Lance said annoyed. "I'm done with this." Pidge said, as he throws his head gear on the ground. "Look, I don't like everyone grubbing around my mind."
"Come on, Pidge. We're just starting to get a hang of it." Shiro says. "Hey leave him alone." Kora said. He just miss her brother."
"I'm tired, okay." Pidge said. "Okay let's take a break." Shiro said.
Coran gives everyone a pouch of water. Kora was sitting next to her brother.
(I am going to skip)

We battle in a Training deck vs a gladiator robot. Everyone failed, but Kora managed to fight the longest.
In the dinning hall, sitting at a long table. Kora was at the end of the table, sitting right next to Pidge.
The Coran came in with green goo food.
"Ahoy, young paladins." Coran said happily. "I've whipped up a big batch of focus food. After this meal you'll be forming Voltron."
"Thanks Coran." Kora said. "Smells great, Coran. Thanks." Shiro said.
As the paladins was about to rech for their forks. Then cuffs appeared on their wrists.
"Hold the phone." Lance said in surprise. "Coran." Kora asked.
"I saw a lot of solid individual  performance today, but you're still struggling to work as a team. So, welcome to the final bonding exercise of the day." Coran told them, with a smirk on his face.
"Coran, I want you to think about what you're doing." Hunk, said, in a threatening voice.
       "This one's a classic one. You need to feed each other, like a pack of Yalmors." Coran said.
It was hard, hands get into food. Hunk bit Lance hand.
Allura growls as she was eating her food.
"Do Earthlings ever stop complaining." Allura said, while growling.
"Hey, we work hard today." Kora told the princess. "Yeah, can't you give us a break." Shiro told the princess.
"Yeah, we're not some prisoners for you to toy with, like... like." Keith said.
"Like a bunch of toy prisoners." Lance said. "Yes, thank you Lance." Keith agreed with Lance. Kora smiles, they are getting along. "You do not yell at the princess." Coran shouted.
"Oh, the princess of what. Were the only ones out here. And she's no princess of ours." Pidge told Coran.
Food goo hits Pidge in the face.
Kora looks at Allura to see, she was the one that throwed the food.
"Go loose, Pidge." Keith said, as he throws food goo at Allura.
Coran jumps in front of Allura, and protect her from the food. And then he brings out a huge spoon. With food goo in it, and he throws it at the Paladins.
Kora grins, and Hunk said. "Oh it's on." And stuff his face with food goo and pits it out at Allura and Coran. Hitting them.
"Food Fight." Kora yells out happily.
And everyone started throwing food at each other.
It was so fun, Kora managed to get Allura and Coran. Right in the face.
At they were all done, Allura sits in her chair exhausted.
The paladins looks at each other, before  bursting out laughing.

"Enough, do you see what you're doing." Allura yelled out. Kora stops laughing and the rest stop to.
Allura looks mad at first, before she smiled.
"You're finally working together, as one." She said.
Kora smiled, Allura was right. "Hey, she's right." Keith said, realizing.
"I actually don't hate you right know." Lance told Keith.
Kora then said. "Yech, I got tried of you two fighting." Making Lance and Keith laugh.
Then Hunk said. "You guys thinking, what I'm thinking." Kora then said. "Yeah let's go form, Voltron."
Everyone started cheering.
"Actually  I was thinking deserts." Hunk admitted, Kora laughs as she shakes her head at Hunk.
"But yeah. Let's do it." But then the paladins fell to the ground, because of the cuffs.
"Can we get these cuffs off now." Kora mutters out.

Right know they are in their lions. And started forming Voltron.
Kora smiled as they form Voltron.
When they sat down in the lounge.
"That was great." Kora said, as she sits down.
"I'm so charged up. I don't know if I'm going to able to sleep tonight." Lance said.
"Not me, when my head hits the pillow. I'm going to be lights out." Keith said.
I just want you to know that I realised when we were in Voltron, were family man." Hunk said, as he traps Keith and Lance into a bear hug.
"Were brothers and Kora is our Sister." Kora smiles, at that.
"Like, we're totally connected. No secrets, no barriers, no nothing. Family all the way. I love you guys." Hunk said
"G-forces mess with your head a little bit." Keith asked Hunk.
"Yeah, maybe a little. I don't know. It's been a tough  few days." Hunk said.
"It has been tough couple days." Kora agreed with Hunk. But then Kora let out a yawn.
"Well, I am going to bed." Kora said, as she gets up and walks to her room.
"Good nigh you guys and see you in the morning."
"Good night, Kora." Keith told his twin.
"Night, night." Lance said sweetly.
"See you at breakfast." Hunk said.
"Good night." Shiro said.
Pidge just stayed in the lounge for a little bit.
When Kora entered her room, she quickly changed clothes and into her pajamas.
Then she was out like a light. When her head hit the pillow. Just like Keith said.

Voltron the defenders of the universe:The purple LionWhere stories live. Discover now