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You have now been shopping at the mall for three hours and your legs were starting to hurt. Nobara made shopping into a sport, and you were getting your ass kicked. Yuji and Megumi were in just as much pain as you since they carried all of yours and Nobara's shopping bags. Even with shooting pain in your legs, a smile as not left your face. 

It was like a cheesy, teen movie shopping montage. Nobara would pick out clothes for you and you would model it for them and they would give you thumbs up or thumbs down. So far you had gotten five pairs of black jeans in different styles, a variety of shirts and tank tops, a couple of sweaters and jackets, and got another pair of Vans and combat boots. Nobara insisted every girl needed a good pair of combat boots. You also got some shampoo, conditioner, body wash that you knew you weren't going to use, a cute hairbrush, and some random hair accessories like clips and hair bands. 

You were now in a fancier store that mostly consisted of dresses. You were overwhelmed with all the different types of dresses. You had only wore pants your whole life, and the idea of trying on a dress made you nervous. You were on the chubbier side and could not imagine how a dress would look on your body type. 

"Okay Y/n you need to try on this dress!" Nobara handed you a cobalt blue, satin dress. You nodded your head as you rubbed the material between your finger tips. You quickly walked into the dressing room before you could chicken out. You unzipped the dress and stepped into the dress pulling it up. It was a scoop neck, backless dress that stopped mid calf and had a slit in the front that stopped mid thigh. You adjusted the thin straps and stared at yourself in the mirror. You were shocked at how beautiful it looked on you. It accentuate your curves, and the scoop neck really highlighted how big your chest was. 

"Come out Y/n or I will drag you out!" Nobara yelled outside your dressing room door. "I will be right out!" You yelled back holding in a giggle. You were getting used to Nobara's aggressiveness and started to adore it. It was helping you get out of the shell. 

You stepped out and ran your hands down the front of the dress. "Well how do I look?" You asked looking at all their reactions. 

"Holy shit Y/n! That dress was made for you! You look amazing, and we definitely have to go out so you can show it off." Nobara said with a smirk on her face, imagining the trouble both of you would cause on a night out. 

"You look hot as fuck." Yuji said winking at you which caused you to blush. 

Megumi just stared at you unable to form any words. 'You looked beautiful' Megumi thought as he could feel his cheeks heat up. He was more curious how the dress would look on the floor. He bit is bottom lip at that idea and then mentally slapped himself for being a perv. 

You kept staring at Megumi waiting for his response. You don't know why but you really wanted his opinion. He had been so quiet most of the shopping trip, but you at least hoped this dress would get some acknowledgement from him. 

"Hey Megumi! You are drooling." Nobara said with an even bigger smirk on her face. Megumi rolled his eyes at Nobara and turned his attention back at you. "You look really nice." That was all he could muster up to say, but even that simple compliment put a smile on your face. 

You quickly changed and handed Nobara the dress over the door so she could pay for it. You made your way out of the store and saw all of them waiting for you. 

"Okay I promise this will be the last store, but no boys allowed." Nobara stated as she pointed to Victoria's Secret. Yuji giggled like a schoolgirl, and Megumi looked down at his shoes hoping nobody sees the blush creeping back onto his cheeks. Nobara rolled her eyes at the guys' reaction and grabbed your hand dragging you into the store. 

You grabbed a bunch of cute underwear and a couple of bras that fit you nicely thanks to the store worker measuring you. You also gained some confidence and picked out an adorable floral embroidery corset top with a matching pair floral embroidery cheeky panties. 

"Mission accomplished!" Nobara said with her arm wrapped around your shoulder. 

"Finally! I can't feel my arms anymore." Yuji complained as he headed towards the Jeep. The guys nicely placed all of your bags in the back of the Jeep while you and Nobara hopped in. The car ride was pretty quiet with only the sound of rock music blasting through the speakers. You could also hear soft snores come from Yuji in the front. 

Nobara dropped you and Megumi off first and you both headed up to his place carrying everything. He gracefully unlocked his door and opened it without dropping any of the bags. Both of you took your shoes off by the door. You let out a loud yawn as you both placed the bags on the couch. 

Megumi chuckled hearing you yawn. "Nobara is the queen of shopping. So you should take a nap." You nodded your head in agreement. Before you could think it threw you gave Megumi a hug, and mumbled a thank you with your face buried in his chest. He hugged you back and whispered "You're welcome." 

You closed your door and quickly took off your joggers. You plopped on to your bed and pulled the comforter over your body. Today was the best day of your life and you were happy to see what else you are instore for. You finally drifted off to sleep with a smile still on your face. 

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