"we can't do anything to change the past," liam says. "we should just try to be there for him now."

"someone should go check on him," zayn says.

"i'll go," justin volunteers.

zayn isn't too comfortable with that idea. he still doesn't trust justin 100%.

"i'll go with him," niall says, volunteering. zayn is relieved to hear that.

"great. call me when you get there, i want to see him," zayn says.


a couple of hours later, zayn tries to distract himself from thinking and obsessing over harry by doing some coursework. it doesn't work though, he can't focus on anything else.

he's staring at his phone waiting for niall and justin to call. and they do. when they do he scrambles to answer the call.

"hello?" he says, looking at his two friends via video call. "where's harry? did you see him?"

"um," justin says. niall collects the phone.

"good news and bad news. good news is harry is awake from his coma," niall says.

zayn's eyes go wide in surprise. he can't believe it, he feels so relieved.

"that's amazing," zayn says. "where is he?"

"that's the bad news. we have no idea," niall says.

"what do you mean?"

"he wasn't here when we came. the nurse said he woke up, and left. they insisted he stayed but he refused," niall explains. "it makes no sense. they said he was in no condition to leave but they couldn't stop him."

"how long ago did he leave?"

"he woke up last night apparently but it's been three hours since he left," niall says. zayn frowns. harry woke up from his coma and he didn't even let him know?

zayn shakes his head. it's not about him. harry probably woke up alone, zayn wasn't there with him. or he woke up to see his mother, maybe that's why he left.

"and he left alone? his mom didn't take him?" zayn asks.

"yeah," niall says. "i'm going to check his apartment."

"okay, i need to check something too. i'll meet you guys there," zayn says.

he ends the call. he checks his messages to see if harry tried to contact him. but nothing.


zayn is exhausted by the time he gets to his destination. he had to leave his apartment to get to the campus grounds, and walk here.

it's been a while since he's been here. a very long while. it was a long shot coming here to check for harry. but he just felt like he should.

it isn't even logical for harry that's just recovering from a coma to walk all the way here.

but zayn knew that harry wouldn't be at his apartment. he'd want to come somewhere he can feel safe.

he looks around, not seeing any sign of him. he sighs, about to give up till he sees a figure sitting at a bench and just staring at the sky.

he runs towards him. it's harry.

"harry!" zayn yells. "why are you here?"

"z-zayn?" harry asks. "why are you here?"

"you can't just leave like that harry. you had all of us worried," zayn says, hugging him. "i'm so glad you're okay. i'm so glad."

harry feels like he's lost a lot of weight, and he has. his skin is clammy and he doesn't look great. but zayn thinks he looks beautiful still.

harry pulls away from him, not hugging back. zayn feels a pang in his heart.

"i'm disgusting," harry says.

"what? don't say that," zayn says.

"i heard what my mom told you," harry says. "now you know. now you know how sick and disturbing i am."

"harry, no. you're not any of those things," zayn says. "please stop saying that."

"i had sex with my brother," harry starts to sob.

"i know you didn't want to. you're the victim," zayn says.

"that's not what she told you,"

"and you think i'd believe her? that woman doesn't deserve to be called your mother," zayn says angrily. "you always try to make yourself look bad to me. but i know. your step brother is sick, your mom is sick. your family is sick. but not you. you're perfect. you're amazing. you're pure. you're good."

harry starts crying harder, but this time he's accepting zayn's comfort.

"i wanted to die when i heard her tell you," harry says. "i came into consciousness then. but i couldn't move, i don't know why. maybe it was from fear hearing my mother tell you those things. i wished i could get hit by thunder right there," harry says. "and now you're telling me i'm pure. even after knowing all these. even after what i put you through."

"i love you harry, okay? that's all that matters," zayn says. "now c'mon. let's go back to the hospital. you haven't fully recovered."

harry nods, sniffing. "do you know where zeke is?"

zayn shakes his head. "he ran away. i told the police what happened though but it didn't seem like they believed me."

"i'll make a statement," harry says. "i'll tell them what he did to me. i'll make him pay."

zayn smiles at that. "and i'll be with you every step of the way."

"thank you zayn. i honestly don't deserve you," harry says.

"no, you deserve better," zayn replies. "and i'll be better."


the end.

there's an epilogue coming out soon too to wrap up their story! watch out !

vote, comment and let me know what you think of this chapter.

and holyyy. i'm so sorry for the super super extremely late update. i hope you guys are still reading this book.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2023 ⏰

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