Chapter Two: Spirit Week

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Callie walked into her computer science class, since it was a free period, taking a seat in the back. Sitting beside a girl.

Callie was typing away on her phone as she had her headphones on. Unbeknownst to her the girl was staring at Callie.

Callie's headphones were blasting loud music, which the girl noticed as she was a little bit annoyed by the sound.

The girl tapped Callie's shoulder, as she looked back at the girl. The girl pointed to her ear, indicating for Callie to take off her headphones.

Which she did as she stared at the girl. "Your music, it's a little bit too loud." The girl said.

Callie only stared at the girl. "Sorry," Callie said as she looked away. "Didn't mean to bother you."

"O-Oh it's okay," The girl said as Callie only nodded. "I mean it was just a little bit too loud."

Calliee leaned back in her seat as she looked at the girl. "I like you." Callie said as the girl looked at Callie with a surprised look.

"I-I'm sorry," The girl said. "W-what?"

"Your vibe," Callie said as she let out a chuckle. "You have an interesting aura, I like it." The girl only smiled nervously. "Your Mouse right?"

"Uh, y-yeah," Minnie stuttered. "That's That's my name."

"Well I'm Callie" Callie was cut off.

"Callie Santon," Minnie said. "Yeah, I have you for math and history."

"You're cute when you're nervous," Callie said as Minnie smiled. "And you have a nice smile, it's so captivating."

"Yours too," Minnie said as Callie raised a brow at her. "Your smile is also captivating."

"You know what, Mouse," Callie leaned in closer. "I think this is the beginning of a wonderful friendship."

Both Minnie and Callie shared a smile.

Callie returned back to listening to her music, lowering the volume. As she was scrolling through a message popped up.

Roses are red, violets are blue. I see a new crush, how about you?

- - A

Callie's eyes widened in alarm as she looked around the room, her heart racing as she got up from her seat, quickly leaving the classroom.


Callie was chilling in her room, as she was blasting music out loud, dancing around as she exhaled as smoke came out of her mouth.

Holding a vape in her hand, as she took it in with ease. Closing her eyes as she moves her arm around, but opens them upon hearing a knock on her door.

Callie's eyes widened as she quickly turned off the music. And hid her vape underneath her pillow.

"Calliope opened this door," Audrey said from outside.

"Coming," Callie quickly hurried to her door, as she opened it to see her mother. "Do you need something mom?"

"I came to tell you that I'm leaving today," Audrey told her daughter. "You won't see me until Thursday."

"But we just got back yesterday," Callie said as Audrey sighed. "And you're leaving today? As in right now?"

"Yeah, I have this big investment deal undergoing somewhere close by," Audrey responded. "Look it's a town over, no need to worry."

"Town over?" Callie repeated as Audrey nodded. "As in Rosewood?"

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