They crossed the stream just as Cefrey began to disperse the magical shield she put around the halfling. She focused on creating a barrier between herself and the wraiths, using the water to aid her magic. Swirling water mixed with bright white light sprung up in the stream as they passed through to the other side. The black riders screeched in anger, in pain as the light blinded them, the water pushing their horses back down the river. 

Mornië reared up, Cefrey patted its neck to soothe it before moving away from the stream. Her thoughts were interrupted as Frodo gasped in pain, almost falling off the horse if Cefrey hadn’t caught him. Jumping down herself, the mage picked up the halfling, resting his head in her lap as she kneeled on the rocks. Her hands combed through his hair, tears threatening to fall freely as she held onto him.

“Do not leave us now, Frodo. It is not your time.” Her voice trembled, her hands shaking as she mumbled under her breath. Healing was not her strong suit, but with what strength she had, she let flow through her, letting the light wash over the darkness that was taking hold of his heart. 

Frodo’s eyes closed, his breathing calmed. Cefrey leaned over him, mumbling words under her breath as the magic flowed from her into his frail body, taking hold of the darkness within him and flooding it with light. This magic, as all magic did with the mage, came at a price. As the halfling's affliction faded away, Cefrey felt her own body slowly become more fatigued. Her muscles began to ache, her eyelids fluttering shut as her magic waned, the light dimming around her. The last thing she saw was the soothed face of the hobbit she swore to protect…


She woke to the sound of running water, of wind brushing through leaves and birds singing their lovely songs. Cefrey groaned as she sat up, clutching at her pounding head. Green eyes scanned the unfamiliar room she was in. She sighed in relief as she realized she was safe within the walls of Imladris.

A gasp left her once she remembered what happened before she fell unconscious. Pulling the covers off and swinging her legs over the side of the bed, the mage practically ran over to the door despite her legs protesting in pain. Wrenching it open, Cefrey gripped onto the door frame, her body doubling over as her vision became blurry.

She felt a warm hand rest on her shoulder, helping her up and back into her room. The figure led her to sit on the bed as he leaned down in front of her.

Cefrey opened her eyes as her vision cleared, focusing on the man before her, worry written all over his face. A tired laugh escaped her, her body finally relaxing now that she was sitting. 

"Sorry about that, Strider," The mage smiled. 

Strider merely shook his head at her antics, rising to his feet once he realized she was feeling better. "You know, most people don't go running out everywhere after the sort of ordeal you went through."

"Yes, well I would think by now you'd have figured out I'm not like most people."

The man chuckled under his breath, walking to sit on a chair across from her. His expression turned serious then, his hand reaching up to run across his face. It was then that Cefrey noticed his change in appearance. Gone was the rugged wild man who led them through the wilderness, instead replaced by a... cleaner version of the man she met in Bree. His hair was washed and combed through, his beard trimmed nicely, and his clothes were that of elven make. All in all, he cleaned up quite well in Cefrey's mind. 

Her thoughts were quickly dashed however when she also noticed his change in expression. "What is it?"

Strider's eyes met hers, his gaze never faltering as he leaned over, resting his arms on his legs." Cefrey..." The way he said her name caused a frown to form on her lips. He continued. " You had me… us worried for a while there. And while I know you saved Frodo and you would do it again, for anyone, it…" He leaned bathing the chair, his eyes finally leaving hers. "Well, I merely wish you thought about yourself more often."

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jul 29, 2022 ⏰

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