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Guess it's been quite some time

Korra and Asami were laying in bed. Which was a normal thing for them except Asami was trapped.

The avatar had layed down right on top of her the night before and has trapped the engineer. Normally Asami would either wake her up or try to move her but Korra just came back from something she had to do in the fire nation.

She was absolutely exhausted when she came back and Asami didn't have the heart to move her and risk waking her. All that the ceo could do was just wait for her to wake up.

The moment that asami was waiting for didn't come for another hour. But in that time she managed to slowly sit up and grab a book from her nightstand. She came close to waking korra but was able to stay still long enough for her to fall back asleep.

When korra finally woke up she was in Asami's lap instead of laying on top of her. She could barely tell where she was or how long she was asleep but she was okay with that since her girlfriend was there with her.

She was almost tempted to go back to sleep until the ceo moved her.

"I love you bear but it's almost noon. Why don't we go eat and we can take a nap later?"

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