The Hawkins Fair Pt: 3

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Before Robin knew it Nancy pulled her into the ferris wheel line. "Aren't we supposed to meet up with everyone else soon?" Nancy held both of Robins hands without flinching or constantly looking around in worry. "I just want to be alone with you. They'll be fine without us." Nancy waited till they were on the ride before saying anything else.

           "The Wheel goes around 1 time after everyone's on it. Enjoy." They both put on their seat belts and sat there waiting patiently for the ride to start. "Didn't know you could be such a romantic Nancy Wheeler." Robin gently placed her hand on Nancys thigh. "I want to be with you Robin. I do, but you can't hold it against me that I'm not ready to just come out to everyone. You haven't even been able to do that. You have to understand how hard this is for me to figure out." She placed her hand on top of Robins which was still on her thigh. "That's not what I'm asking. Why would I ask you to do something I haven't been able to do myself? I myself don't even know what I'm asking of you. It just hurts not being able to kiss you right now." Nancy cupped Robins face with her hands. "You know.... no one can see us from up here."

Robin slowly leans in and Nancy kisses her like she never has before. Something about this one felt different. As if it was more real. "I cant promise you anything right now but I can promise you this, I don't want anyone else... just you Rob." Nancy leaned her head on Robins shoulder allowing them to just stop for a second and enjoy the moment. "Wait... Rob?" Nancy lifted her head and felt herself begin to blush. "Its a stupid nickname I know but I didn't really have much to work with." Robin put her arm around her and rubbed her shoulder. "I love it Wheeler. I think it's adorable." They both sat there exchanging glances before realizing the ride was coming to an end.

"Do you..... want to sleepover at my place tonight? It's a Saturday so I don't have work tomorrow. We can spend the whole day together." Nancys eyes lit up with excitement. She didn't even care about the fair anymore she just wanted to be with Robin. "That sounds perfect. We can leave now if you'd like I just have to go find Mike and let him know. Wait here okay?"

Robin patiently waited at the exit when Tammy Thompson came up behind her. "So you were a little lesbo all along huh? Lucky me." Robin didn't bother turning around. Maybe if she ignored her long enough she would leave her alone. "Sucks that Wheeler doesn't like you back." Those 7 words were all it took to get under Robins skin. "You don't know anything!" Tammy leaned on Robins shoulder. "Oh but you see the thing here Robin... is that I do. All those years of you being in love with me and suddenly you aren't interested? What happened? I'm here practically throwing myself at you and nothing?" Robin stepped away from Tammy. "You're just doing this to mess with me." As Tammy was slowly getting closer to her Nancy comes back.

"Get the hell away from her." Tammy raised both of her arms up as if she was about to get arrested or something. "Relax Wheeler no need to get over protective. She's all yours." Nancy and Robin got out of there as fast as they could. Once they got to a place where there was no people around they grabbed a hold of each other's hands. "I'm sorry Robin. That was probably all my fault. I shouldn't have assumed she knew." Robin began to rub her thumb against Nancys hand. "She's the last person that could ever break us apart. She means nothing to me Wheeler you have to believe me. " Nancy looks up at Robin feeling guilty. "I believe you. Let's just get home." Robin stopped for a moment and guided Nancy a different way. "Where are we going Robin? It's getting late."


After walking for a while Nancy realized where they were.... The park. "I don't think we should be here this late alone Robin." Robin completely ignored her as she was too focused in where she was going. That's when Nancy took a second to look around and immediately knew were they were going. The place where Nancy first kissed Robin.


"What? I could be romantic too Wheeler." Nancy looked around for the log they once sat on and made her way too it. "Well? Are you going to skip some stones while I sit here and fall in love with you?" Robin gently kissed her forehead and handed her all the rocks she collected. "No.... it's my turn to fall in love with you Nance." Robin clearly already was but she never missed an opportunity to tease Nancy. Instead Nancy pulled Robin down to her level and started kissing her. She kissed her in a way where she couldn't stop. "I've been wanting this all day."

          They made out for who knows how long before the log was getting uncomfortable. "Robin... I want to be with you." Robin looked at her with confusion. "I know Nance.... I'm right here." She held both of Nancys hands. "No Robin, I want you... to be my girlfriend." Robin eyes grew wide. She couldn't believe what she just heard come out from Nancy Wheelers mouth. "You... you what... but.. what?? I thought you weren't ready for this Wheeler. The last thing I want is to pressure you to start something you're not ready to have. Are you being serious right now because if you're joking with me this is pretty messed up." Nancy kissed her cheek before speaking again. "Robin this isn't some joke. I'm sorry it's taken me so long to be honest about what I want but I'm being as honest as I ever could be. I want to be with you."

          Robin picked her up off the ground as Nancy wrapped her legs around Robins body holding onto her face. "Well? Is you saying yes?" Robin smiled at her for a moment. Taking in all the beauty that was Nancy Wheeler. She couldn't believe she had Nancy right here in her arms being so vulnerable like this. "Only if you'll be mine." Nancy smiled right before her lips met Robins. Everything in that moment felt right. Like this is how things were always meant to be.

          "I really hope I don't mess this up Robin. I like you so much, more than you'll ever know." Robin gently set her down and reached out for her hand. "You have no idea how much I like you Nancy Wheeler. Come on, let's go." Nancy took her hand and they walked all the way to Robin and Steve's house without letting go.


           Steve's car was already parked in the driveway but Robin and Nancy had no idea if Tammy was there. He didn't really need to let Robin know since he lived there too but a little heads up would've been appreciated.

             "Harrington? Ya home?" There was no response. That's when they heard something coming from his bedroom. "Do you think they're....." Robin didn't even wanna think it. The image she's beginning to imagine was enough. "Let's just go upstairs." Robin still having a hold of her hand leads her up the stairs and into her bedroom. "Thank god I'll never have to climb through that window just to see you." Nancy opened the window so the air could come in. "So you're saying I'm not worth climbing a window?" Nancy gave her a feared look. "That's not what I meant I just mean..." Robin used her hand to cover her mouth. "I was only teasing Wheeler. Come here."

Robin playfully pulls her into bed and Nancy ends up sitting on her lap. "You're crazy." Nancy puts her hands on Robins face as Robin puts hers around Nancys waist pulling her in close. "Crazy about you Nancy Wheeler."

After innocently making out for several minutes Nancy began to pull off Robins shirt. "Is this okay?" Robin nodded and began taking off Nancys bra. "Whenever you want to stop just say the word okay?" Nancy gave her the sweetest smile letting her know that she felt safe. She was ready. "I don't know what I'm doing Robin. I like this... a lot but I don't know where to go from here." Robin found it adorable that Nancy was looking to her for guidance. "You're adorable Wheeler. It's nothing to be embarrassed about. Here I'll go first if that's okay....?" Nancy gently nodded her head and watched as Robin went under the blanket.

About 2 hours went by when Nancy was finally asleep on Robins chest. Robin couldn't believe what had just happened. She slept with Nancy Wheeler and it couldn't have gone more perfectly. She played with Nancys hair with one hand while the other was wrapped around her. Eventually she fell asleep forgetting they never locked the door.

SURPRISE!! I did debate titling this chapter something else but I kind of wanted them getting together to be a surprise. I hope you liked it :) I'll post another chapter tmr I'm a little burnt out right now <3

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