The Hawkins Fair Pt: 2

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             While Robin and Steve stepped away, Nancy figured it would be the perfect opportunity to question Tammy. "What did you do to Robin in the bathroom?" So much for being calm about it."What are you talking about Nancy?" Tammy looked her up and down as she twirled her hair. "You know exactly what I'm talking about don't play stupid. You knew how badly Robin liked you in high school and now you're using it to toy with her." The truth was, Tammy didn't know Robin saw any girl in that way. Nancy had just outed Robin and she knew it wouldn't end pretty. How was she supposed to explain something like this to Robin. "Wait so Buckleys a lesbo? Ha who would've thought."

Nancy quickly put her hand on Tammy's mouth covering it. "You can't say anything to anyone Tammy! Please... I shouldn't have told you. I just thought you knew and now Robins probably never going to talk to me again." Tammy playfully rolled her eyes. She was amused at how desperate Nancy sounded. "You're lucky I care enough about Steve. Doesn't mean I'm not gonna play around with her some more." She winked at Nancy making sure she understood what Tammy was implying. "Aren't you with Steve...?"

Robin and Steve approached them before Tammy could give Nancy an answer. Steve wrapped his arms around Tammy from behind and Robin awkwardly stood next to Nancy. "What were you guys talking about babe?" Steve moved the hair out of Tammy's face and kisses her on the cheek. "Just catching up with Wheeler here." Robin could instantly tell that was a lie. Nancy wasn't talking but from her body language something had happened. Steve and Tammy ordered their pickles and went back to Steve's car. Nancy anxiously stood there while Robin ordered. She knew this would eat her alive if she didn't tell Robin.

         "They're pretty big so I got us one to share." Nancy forced out a smile and watched as Robin took the cutest bite out of the pickle. "Can we go sit at the food and snack tables? There's something I need to talk to you about." Robin instantly began to sweat EVERYWHERE. She didn't know what Nancy wanted to talk about but she knew it wasn't something good. They walk over to the tables struggling to find a place to sit. The place was packed but eventually some people left.

          "Well? What is it Wheeler?" Nancy reached for Robins hand under the table. "I... was confronting Tammy about what she did to you in the bathroom and she just got me so mad Robin I'm sorry." Robin tightened her grip with Nancys hand. "What happened? You can tell me Wheeler. Nancy sighed. She knew she couldn't go back now. "I told her you had a crush on her in high school. I'm so sorry Robin it slipped out. I thought she knew and that's why she was being weird." Robin wasted no second in letting go of Nancys hand. "Do you have any idea what's gonna happen if Steve messes things up with her? You just gave her all the fucking power Wheeler." Robin storms away leaving Nancy there alone.

            Nancy sits there with tears in her eyes as she watches Robin get lost in the crowd. "This is all my fault." Eddie and Chrissy were a few tables away from them and had saw everything. "So... you and Buckley huh?" Eddie teased Nancy as him and Chrissy took a seat in front of her. "I'm not so sure anymore." She lowered her head onto the table avoiding Eddie and Chrissy's reaction. "Wait I was only joking.... Wheeler? You're into chicks?" Chrissy smacked the back of his head gently. Even she knew how blunt that question was. "I don't know okay? The only thing I'm sure about is that I'm crazy about Robin. Fuck, here I go outing her again." Eddie and Chrissy stared at each other in utter shock. Chrissy figured what Nancy needed right now was reassurance. She gets up and sits right next to her. "Hey, we won't say a thing alright? When Robin decides she's ready to tell us we'll act surprised."

           Robin didn't know where she was going but she knew she didn't want to be around Nancy fearing she would say something she didn't mean. She exited the fair and found Max sitting there on her skateboard near there entrance. "Hey kid." Robin sat down on the ground this time. "Shouldn't you be with Nancy?....." Robin quickly put her head down. "Didn't think I knew huh? No one had to tell me a Robin." Max looked over at her and smirked causing Robin to turn extremely red. "What??? How??.... How did you figure it out?" Robin knew Max was a smart kid but a part of her felt like maybe they were making it too obvious. "I saw the way she looked at you. Even when she was with Steve. That girls crazy about you Robin. Then after seeing how close the two of you got. I knew there was something different. If you're wondering... I don't have a problem with it. I actually think it's kinda cute."

Robin pulled the orange haired girl down with her and leaned on her shoulder. "I'm crazy about her too... She just made a mistake and I completely shut her out over it. It was stupid of me. Thank you Max... I'm gonna go back inside and find her..... Wait... why are you out here alone though? Something wrong?" Max looked up at the stars. "Lucas confessed his feelings for me but I don't like him in that way. I don't like anyone in that way. Do you think that's possible?" Robin took the time to sit there and explain as much as she knew to Max. Still didn't give Max the answers that she needed but she enjoyed Robin taking the time to give her advice. "Thanks Rob. Now get back in there."

Robin went back to the tables and saw Nancy there with Eddie and Chrissy. She sat down next to Eddie since Chrissy was already sitting next to Nancy. "Guys I don't want to seem like an ass but I really need to talk to Nancy." Eddie and Chrissy both nodded and got up. "We're meeting up with the whole gang here in about an hour so we'll see you guys then." They walk away leaving the two girls there alone full of awkward tension.

After a couple minutes passed Robin couldn't hold it in anymore. "I want to be with you Wheeler. I don't care if Tammy tells everyone and they shame me for it. I don't want Tammy. I don't want to force myself to be unhappy with someone else. I only want you. I'm sorry I was so upset earlier. Part of it was out of fear of being outed but what bothered me more is that we push each other away whenever we aren't alone. I hate it Nancy. I don't know if I can live like that anymore. Tears started to form in Robins eyes. Nancy never realized how much her own actions were hurting Robin. She quickly got up from where she was sitting and offered Robin her hand. "Come on Buckley."

Hehe what's nancy gonna do 🤭 I hope you guys liked this chapter. <3 I'm too excited about it so I'll see if I can finish writing part 3 today :)

When Will It Go Our Way? (Ronance) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora