2 .Game of dice 🎲

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After their fun gathering with uncle shakuni they all dispersed .

Inside the chamber of pandavas

Yudhishthira was walking to and fro thinking deeply while holding something in his hand . It was their lucky day as uncle shakuni was back from ghandhara and he had devised a wonderful plan to get rid of their punishment which was to serve as charioteers of Kauravas . He had not slept since the day of that fateful event . He despised subhadra for it . It was today on the arrival of shakuni that he felt joyous , his presence was required for their plan to work , A plan that would not only save them from their humiliating punishment but also get them everything they ever wanted .

He stopped walking and opened his palm revealing a pair of dice . He tossed it , catched it , when he opened his palm , It was a perfect six , a wicked smile crept across his crooked face . His brothers were watching him intently .

Flashback story of the magical dice

Pandavas were living in incognito moving from place to place begging for food , yudhishthira had told them it was necessary for them to live like this for some time so that later they could enjoy their life to the fullest by becoming the rulers of hastinapura , his brothers were not completely aware of their brother's plan but they obeyed him as always . Once while travelling through a forest bheema saw a tall and dark women outside a hut . He had instantly fallen in love , or so he thought as his dumb brain was not able to differentiate between love and lust . He told his brothers about his feelings and that he was going to approach the women and declare his love . How could someone not fall for his handsome features , he had told his brothers . They gave him a pitiful look . He went to her and let his heart out .

Her name was hidimbi , she belonged to a rakshasa clan. In the past , they were known for their mysterious magical power but with time they had lost it. Seeing the huge man infront of her at first she was scared as she was alone at the time and he looked kind of scary , her brother hidimba was gone for hunting . Then the huge man started blabbering something . By his appearance she thought he was a beggar and he was asking for alms . She quickly went inside the hut to fetch some food that was remaining , she felt uneasy and wanted to send him away at the quickest.

Bheema was confused by her behaviour . He wondered why she had gone inside the hut . Is she welcoming me inside the hut , he thought . Before he could enter she was outside with alms . He felt enraged by this treatment. His eyes turned red , adding more terror to his already scary face. He roared like a beast in anger , lifted her and took her inside the hut . She screamed her lungs out crying for help .

Luckily her brother who was returning had heard his sister's scream's . He rushed inside only to see a huge man trying to misbehave with his sister . He hit the man in the head with the earthern pot that he could get hold of breaking it into pieces . Bheema turned to find the person who had hit him , his head was hurting but he was not a person who could be defeated so easily . A fight ensued between the two men . Pandavas were watching the fight , as they didn't need to help his brother , to them he was the most powerful men in the entire aryavarta . Hidimba was not huge as bheema but he was tall and agile . He dodged bheema's attack with his quick movements and managed to kick him on his back , making bheema fall forward his face hitting the ground . Bheema was enraged . He grasped some mud in his hand and when hidimba tried to hit him , he threw it into his eyes . Hidimba was struggling to open his eyes while bheema took this opportunity to overpower his opponent . Hidimbi was crying watching his brother getting beaten up by the monster , who foughg by unfair means . Bheema finally lifted hidimba by his neck , making him struggle for his life , hidimba tried to scratch the face of the beast in a desperate attempt to save his life . bheema put him down when his face was hurt as hidimbas nails dug into his face drawing blood . He touched the spot with his forefinger and found blood sticking on his finger .

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