"This isn't your big fat redneck wedding, Nick. So pick one. Isn't my dad paying for it, anyway?"

He scowled, "As a matter of fact...no! We are splitting the costs. I'm using my savings." The thought of all his hard earned money going towards a cake was really aggravating.

"I thought you were saving for--"

"I don't want to talk about it Abby. Please."

She just nodded. She remembered that during one of their late night conversations he'd gone on about a gym around where he lived and how he was saving to buy it off the owner. Now, that money was going to an overly fancy wedding, which didn't seem to be something he wanted.

"If you wanted a small wedding...you should have suggested it."

His blue eyes looked up at her. "It's Tiffany's day! She decides what goes."

"That's a load of crap!"

"Why do you like to push my buttons!" He growled.

"I'm not!" She really wasn't. "I was just trying to make conversation..."

"Well how about you don't. We aren't trying to be friends or anything--"

"What is wrong with you? Why are you so angry at me? I'm not the one that lied...look we are supposed to work together, so we should get along. Seriously, you are the biggest mood swinger I've ever known."

Squeak. Squeak.

"See I've got my bodyguard..." Nick commented.

"She sounds like a chew toy!"

The twosome were interrupted by the woman at the door. "Alright everything is set up. If you can please put the dog inside the bag and just make sure it doesn't get out. We can do it inside." Nick agreed and carefully placed Pixie back in her bag.

They entered a small showcase room filled with different types of cakes. At the end was a long narrow metal counter and three stools. Nick sat the bag on the stool in the middle and asked Pixie to be good and stay in the bag. She instantly disappeared.

"She's probably the only female that listens to me." Nick joked.

"Most likely because she's a dog!"

Nick pondered the comment for a bit and shrugged it off. He smiled as the baker came out with a tray with eight different slices of cake and another with different types of flowers. It wouldn't make up for food, but his stomach was bound to start growling soon.

"So, when Tiffany came by she picked four different flavors. The first one we have here is tutti frutti...the name says it all. It's lavished in all kinds of fruits."

The twosome took their plates from the counter. Abby cut a good chunk from her slice and savored it slowly. The lady wasn't kidding when she'd said it was fruity. Crunchy peach slices, tart strawberries and a couple of sourly sweet blueberries. "It's really good." She commented, wiping at the corners of her mouth with her napkin. She looked at Nick waiting for his response.

Nick's plate was clean and his lip was curled in dissatisfaction. "This reminds me of a kiddy party. NEXT!"

The woman passed out the second plate. She went into detail on how Tiffany had been fascinated with that particular flavor; chocolate gannage. Nick devoured that one too, but he wasn't too satisfied. At the time a sandwich would have been much better.

"This is the one!" He commented, munching on his last bite.

Abby's slice was still there and only the tip had been eaten. She couldn't imagine the whole cake being chocolate flavored; it was her least favorite. "Nick, you are supposed to try them all. Drink some water."

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