Chapter 8

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Dream's pov

We climbed onto our horses and rid them out of the stables

"Where are we going your highness?" He said nothing and kept riding, we eventually stopped at a flower field in the middle of the forest

"Where are we going your highness?" He said nothing and kept riding, we eventually stopped at a flower field in the middle of the forest

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(Like this)

"Wow, it's Beautiful" he helped me off my horse

"Not as pretty as you" he doesn't seem to know that he said it out loud, and I blushed a deep red

"Well come on over," he said walking over to sit down near the shade, I followed him picking Flowers's on the way, I wanted to make flower crowns

He chuckled at me, and I pouted, this was really nice,

I remember back when I was younger before the incident me drista and foolish would go to the near by forest and make flower crowns for each other, that was also before I got my hybrid features. Everything just changed after that.....
(Just to clear things up Dream got his hybrid features a year before drista blamed him)

Why and I think about these things? I'm actually happier now although I know this won't last long might as well enjoy it!

"What are you thinking about?" Technoblade's voice snapped me out of my thoughts

"Oh nothing I was just thinking about what color I should make the flower crowns" I lied and he seemed to believe it

Techno's pov

After we got off our horses he just stared at the flowers in awe, it was kind of cute


Chat shut up and let me enjoy this moment

"Wow, this place is beautiful!"

It's not as pretty as you

"We'll come on over" I said walking towards the shade He followed behind me picking flowers, on the way

I found this really cute and chuckled at me

He pouted

Awww look at how cute he is!


How could someone ever hate such a beautiful being?

Must protect the precious bean

While chat was rambling on about how we should marry Dream I just watched him picking up more flowers and sat down next to be

"What are you thinking about?"

"Oh nothing I was just thinking about what color I should make the flower crowns"

I knew he was lying but I didn't want to push him to far so I just nodded

He went back to making flower crowns so I just sat there and watched him

"Your highness?" He asked looking over to me


"Can I do your hair?"

Techno you better say yes


He looked like an excited puppy excited he was a deadly ender dragon,

He quickly got behind me and started brushing his fingers through my hair

Omg can you believe it???

Dreamie is touching us!


Shhh chat shut up

The way his fingers brushed through my hair was so claiming
He braided flowers into my hair, as he worked I slowly started getting calmer and chat actually was silent for once

He finished by putting a flower crown on to my head

He finished by putting a flower crown on to my head

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(Here's what he looked like)

"Annnd done!" I took a look at it and it was beautiful

"It's beautiful, Thank you"

"No problem your highness!"



"Just call me techno"

"Oh okay Techno"

"I think it's about time we go back to the castle challenge 2 is in a few hours" I said getting up

"Oh! I almost forgot about that!" He said quickly jumping up

Time skip back at the castle

"Thanks techno, I really enjoyed that"

" no problem, we should do it again sometime"

"Yea we should.... Well I better geo get ready for the next challenge cya around!" With that he rushed off

"So, you guys dating yet~?" Wilbur said walking out of the shadow

"What the fuck Wilbur, where did you come from?!?"
I yelled at him

"No where now answer my question"

"No where not, we were just hanging out"


"Wilbur just drop it if he doesn't pass the challenges I can't be with him"

"Oh but I'm sure he will"

"Hopefully, Wilbur I'm gonna need a favor from you"

"Is the great Technoblade asking me for a favor?!"

"Wilbur I'm serious"

"Ok, ok what do you need brother?"

"Keep and eye on the wastakes for me, there is something worng with that family"

Anddddddd cliffhanger!
Final word count:720

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