How to love yourself

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Hey there beautiful, my name is Sienna and I see you want to know how to love yourself

here are some things to do for your health and mindset

Step 1: Look in a mirror every day and say that you are beautiful and be nice to yourself say nice things that's an order!

Step 2: Take care of yourself for example washing your face twice a day, don't wear makeup, and so forth

Step 3: Remember WHAT YOU SEE ON THE INTERNET IS FAKE!  People use Photoshop To make them Slimmer or Models wear makeup to cover up their pimples

Step 4: Meditate when you feel stressed, when you feel Insecure or when you have anxiety 

Step 5: If you are doing bad things to your self please tell your parent or Guardian and tell them you need therapy and tell them the situation that you're in 

Step 5:  If Meditating is not helping you when you are really stressed take a walk and take deep breaths until your calm if you are at school or can't go for a walk take DEEP breaths and wiggle your fingers and toes or shake your hands 

Step 6: If you want to hurt yourself remember who is in your life and trace on your leg or arm to calm yourself down and tell a person you trust about the reason you want to hurt yourself  

I hoped this helped on how to love yourself and Just know that you are Beautiful and people are always going to be mean no matter if you are fat, skinny, big butt, small butt, or even popular or not popular they will always find a way to bring you down.

you can privately text me if you need someone to talk to or vent I am here to help you. :)

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