CoS Survival tips: Carnivores!

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Life may not be easy as a Herbivore, it's sometimes worse as a Carnivore! In order to survive, you need to kill other players to eat their meat. Most of the time it'll be a rough fight: If you're a low tier, you maybe will be the food. Here are tips to survive as a Carnivore!

I. Run-away techniques - Sometimes, you'll encounter someone stronger than you. If fighting isn't a possibility, running off it is. This part explains what to do if you're being chased.

1) Ambush increases your creature's speed for a few seconds. Watch out for your stamina! There are "Bunny" plushes that increase ambush speed. Be sure you have enough stamina to keep running tho. The creatures with the most stamina/speed are Undoli and Ferrah. Both have 150 stamina and are really fast when using ambush with bunny plushes.

2) Fliers are really good to escape most creatures. Avoid creatures with a bone breaking ability or it's over for you! Stay away from creatures such as Lmakosaurudons or Gyroudus. Know that you could also get grabbed-killed.

II. Food problems - Creatures Of Sonaria has a harsh weather sometimes, such as winter or famines. Cold may cause hunger if you stay out in the open too long. Here is what to do if you're starving!

3) Usually, you'll be starving as a baby creature. They need three times more food than adults and elders. Thankfully, there are meat spawns. They're scattered around the sonaria islands. The most common meat carcass spawn is at oasis. You can eat the spawned food instead of risking your life!

4) Hunger is a huge problem in CoS. Make sure you always watch your hunger and thirst levels! You will slowly die if you're starving or dehydrated. Even worse if you're both! There's a small pond in dunes where you can catch fish. DO NOT go there if you have terrible stamina or if it's winter/famine. You'd die of hypothermia!

5) After some KOSers killed everyone at oasis, there'll most likely be lots of meat. Just make sure the KOSers are gone, and that it's safe! Try to just take a good carcass and run away, to avoid players blaming it on you.

III. KOSing strategies - Sometimes we all need to let out a little steam. We're humans after all, aren't we? This is what you can do if you're feeling bored/angry.

6) Feeling a bit mad becuase you feel like you have a weak creature? That's ok! You can try to KOS. It's not unallowed even if it's said to be annoying. It apparently helps lots of people.

7) It's okay if you main smaller creatures. You might want to try out kosing as one. That's called KOS-Anklebiting. You just need to grab a big creature's foot and bite the creature nonstop.

IV. End of this part - Hello to whoever is reading this! Maybe someone from the CoS devs is going to be reading this, even if i doubt so... But yeah thanks to whoever reads this! I may give up on this series if i barely get views though- Anyways bye!

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