You forced a small smirk onto your bloodied face, "Miss me, fucker?" Gyutaro seethed through clenched teeth upon making eye contact with you, "YOU..!!"

Before he could attack you, Uzui had begun the offense on Gyutaro, forcing the demon to alter his focus onto the pillar himself.

As they exchanged blows, you coughed weakly, before turning to Tanjirou and speaking in a hoarse voice, "You.. you gotta get the final blow..! So.. so get ready..!"

With that, Tanjirou widened his eyes and snapped his head towards Uzui, "UZUI-SAN!?" Uzui yelled out as Gyutaro slashed his shoulder, "WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!? GO!!"

With that, Tanjirou rushed forwards, with you following closely behind. Tanjirou jumped into the air, while you stayed on the ground to cover him.

Beads of sweat made your skin sticky and cold as the wind rushed by your face, 'Gyutaro.. is gonna stab Tanjirou in the jaw.. so I can't.. let that happen..!'

The one inconvenience, though, was that you were missing the most important thing to any Demon Slayer - A Nichirin Sword.

Back when you had tackled Gyutaro, somewhere along the way, you had lost your Nichirin Sword within the ruins of the collapsed buildings.

So now, you were defenseless, only having your mere hands as a weapon.

Just as expected, Gyutaro swung his scythe towards Tanjirou's jaw. You took a deep breath to prepare yourself for the incoming pain you were about to experience, before grabbing the scythe altogether.

Yet another scream escaped from your lips, as the scythe impaled your right hand altogether. Blood immediately gushed out, before rolling down your haori sleeve.

Upon witnessing your 'sacrifice', Tanjirou had become more determined than ever. His mark that resided on his forehead began to blossom and grow across his face, as he let out a scream, "GAAAAAAAHHH!!"

Gyutaro widened his eyes as Tanjirou's blade met his neck once more, 'I can't pull my scythe from this damn girl's hand!! And I gotta regenerate the arm the fucking pillar cut off..!!'

He quickly spiraled into a panic, 'Dammit.. these brats..! With the help of the pillar and girl, this pathetic boy is going to cut my head off!! ..No!! I'll be fine!! Even if they cut off my head, my sister's head is still connected to me!!'


Gyutaro was severely wrong, because things with Daki weren't going good — at all.

With Zenitsu, Eli and Sōta triple teaming her, she was bound to get her head hacked off sooner or later.

As the three slayers closed in on her, she yelled out, "I'LL DICE YOU ALL TO SHREDS BEFORE YOU EVEN GET THE CHANCE TO CUT MY HEAD OFF..!"

Eli scoffed with annoyance, "Yeah, okay. You just sound delusional at this point. You're annoying me..!" Sōta nodded in agreement, "For once, I agree with your ugly ass."

She blatantly ignored their insults, being too focused on Zenitsu, who was extremely close to cutting off her head. She was exerting all her strength into her obi attacks.


She prepared another attack, "TAKE..."

𝑺𝑻𝑬𝑳𝑳𝑨𝑹  ⤶ 「 𝑲𝑵𝒀 𝑿 𝑴𝑶𝑫𝑬𝑹𝑵 𝑹𝑬𝑨𝑫𝑬𝑹 」Where stories live. Discover now